Spring Project

As a Stem Exploration and Engagement Scholar it is my goal to become skilled in exploring new topics. Our spring project requires us to take time to learn something random. I have chosen to learn how to spin a basketball on my finger. I chose this because it is a nifty trick. I also like to play basketball in my free time, so this will let me impress my friends. I have also always wanted to learn the skill, but never felt an urgency because of other priorities. I am glad this project pushes me to complete the task. By the end of the project, I would like to spin basketball on my finger for at least a minute and thirty seconds.  This goal is attainable within the ten hour time frame and limited materials. It is my goal through this project to gain patience and learn the satisfaction that comes with completing a task. Even though learning to spin a basketball may seem silly, the personal gain is much more drastic. I am looking forward to this project, and I hope my hard work pays off!

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