Radiation Detection and Measurement: Innovations Seminar

Initial slide to begin the presentation by David K. Wehe a professor at the University of Michigan


I attended a seminar titled “Radiation Detection & Measurement: Innovations”, presented by David K. Wehe. The presentation was directed towards graduate students in the field of nuclear science or nuclear engineering. However, I am an undergraduate majoring in chemical engineering. I felt slightly out of place in this environment, especially since I was one of three women in the room. Despite this, I became quite intrigued with the topic. Wehe was an excellent teacher in the fact that I could follow along with the lecture. He started by comparing Ohio State and Michigan (the states), then the schools, then the engineering program, and finally the nuclear engineering program. I obviously understood this beginning portion, so I was easily drawn into the information that followed. As he presented the more difficult information, he included visuals and related subject matter to practical applications. An example of this was the discussion on nuclear research and development in biotechnology. Wehe talked about transmission radiology, digital radiography, and direct converters. He explained the relevance of the tools through giving examples of radiology used in x-rays, MRIs, and Hadron Therapy. I was particularly fascinate in these topics because I have had several x-rays and MRIs. I was able to relate to the content and excited to learn how those tools worked. I found out that x-rays shoot current through the subject and measure the remaining current on the other side. I also learned that MRIs are useful in determining the anatomy of the body, but radiation is important in determining the physiology. Wehe connected each subject to the most exciting current and future advancements. Hadron Therapy was the new advancement in the biotechnology portion. Hadrons deposit their energy at the end of their path, so they can destroy most of the tumor at that location. Whereas, the current method with x-rays deposit their energy along the path, so they essentially “barbecue” the tumor. In fact, Ohio State is getting Hadron Therapy in 2021. It is rewarding to hear Ohio State is investing in education that changes the future of technology. I was delighted that Wehe included this information relevant to Ohio State, despite the fact that he is a professor at University of Michigan.

He also included many more advancements due to radiology and nuclear engineering. He sorted the advancements by the customers of such technologies. The three main customers were biotechnology (as stated above), homeland security, and oil logging. I learned very many interesting facts at this seminar, and I hope I can use some of this background knowledge in my major. Wehe did mention that nuclear engineers worked closely with chemical engineers when designing solar panels. Chemical engineers develop the solar panels that change photons to electrons, and nuclear engineers harness this process for radiation detectors and other technologies. When he mentioned this, I considered changing my particular studies within chemical engineering to solar energies instead of consumer products. This made it beneficial to attend the seminar because it broadened my view in my major. I now consider myself more open-minded to different studies within chemical engineering.


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