The study scheduler app is one technology that I’ve learned from this course. One thing I like about the study scheduler app is the fact that it checks on you (through your phone’s notifications) to make sure you’re studying. You may feel accomplished when responding to the prompts and completely getting through your planned study sessions. I will continue to use the study scheduler for mainly academic study sessions for upcoming exams, or for more practice in a subject I struggle with, or for completing assignments, etc. which you can as well. However one cons about this app is that when using the scheduler app it requires you to have your phone by your side for the prompt response while studying, which can be a pain because our phones can be a distraction.
Trello is another schedule planner app that I’ve learned from this course. It is a good schedule planner which I like a lot because it’s broader and is a planner which can be used for academic projects/events, work projects/events, church projects/events, miscellaneous projects/events, etc. I like the fact that you can also invite people to your schedule planner as well as assign tasks for them. This is a great way to know if the person is doing their part or not and it will allow group members to hold each other accountable. It’s very useful and I recommend you use it as well.
Grammarly is an effective online tool that would be very useful for student who makes a lot of mistakes when writing. The website link is (Links to an external site.). Grammarly is a tool that you can add-on for browsers on your computer for free and it proof reads anything that you type such as emails, essays, discussion posts, etc. It checks for any mistakes and shows the corrected version of your mistakes. It’s a useful resource since it helps students to know what mistakes they’re making; not only does it outline what needs to be changed, but it also tells you why it needs to be changed. It’s really quick in comparison to having someone else proof read your writing for you. A disadvantage about this study tool is that its not always perfect and won’t always catch mistakes.
Schooltraq is an online tool that would help students to be on top of their work if they start utilizing it. The website link is (Links to an external site.) . This online resource is a digital academic planner for students. It allows students to track their homework and plan any individual or group study sessions. They can add anything on their planner and can sync it to their phone. This is a useful resource because it’s a great reminder for students to know what they need to get done each day and it allows the student to be on top of their work. A disadvantage about this tool is that it’s $2.49 a month and some people may not want to pay.