Three Key Takeaways

#1 – S.M.A.R.T. Goals

This class helped teach me the importance of making my goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely. Before this class, I wrote very vague goals such as “Get a good grade in my online class.” After Week 2, I was able to learn how to properly write a goal. A revised version of my vague goal above would be “This semester I will spend 2 hours each day on homework for my online class, so I can attain at least a 90% in the class by the end of year.”

Image result for smart goals

#2 – Online Group Collaboration

This class helped teach me the best practices for collaborating on an online class group assignment. I learned that it is important to set deadlines, delegate tasks, and choose roles for each person in the group. For my group project, we created a GroupMe group message to be able to communicate. We set deadlines usually the day before the required deadline for completing the tasks that were delegated to each group member. Setting a deadline prior to the instructor’s deadline allowed us to make revisions and have our work completed early. Additionally, we set roles such as who was the leader/initiator to make sure that we were not afraid to use our voices like Sarah was in the class case study. I will be able to use these skills for future group projects.

Image result for online group work

#3 – Finding Credible Sources

This class helped me learn the best practices for finding credible resources. One way is using the online OSU library as well as other available resources that OSU provides. For example, I used the online OSU library to access databases that were filled with many credible sources. Additionally, learning about the “5W” Source Evaluation will help me in the future. It will make me look for information that makes the the websites and books that I am deciding to use credible. Another important learning experience was learning how to properly search in Google. I will definitely make use of the Advanced Search when using Google to help find more credible sources. This key takeaway can help me in many of my classes and my future career.

Image result for 5w source evaluation

Time Management

Week 4 – Reflection Post – Time, Task, & Environment Management

This week’s readings helped me learn more about procrastination and time management. The readings exposed me to why people procrastinate and time management tips. There have been many moments in my life where I have procrastinated assignments causing me to rush to complete them. These readings opened my eyes to why I procrastinate and ways to manage my time properly.

One of the times that I most vividly remember procrastinating was when I left my final paper for my second writing class until the night before to complete it. I had other assignments due that week as well as multiple playoff intramural soccer games. I kept putting off doing the work which surprised me because I needed a good grade on the paper to improve my grade from an A- to an A. After reading this week’s readings, I had more insight to why I procrastinated this paper and ways to avoid doing something like this in the future. In the article “6 Reasons Why People Procrastinate,” the third reason was titled “But, What if I Can’t Cut It?” since people can have a fear of failure (Academic Success Center, 2011). I was nervous that my paper would not be good enough to achieve the grade that I wanted even when I put in the effort. This article explained to me that I procrastinated because I wanted to protect myself from trying and failing by just not trying (Academic Success Center, 2011). The article even provided a specific example about writing a paper when it said, “You then can also say, ‘I know I could have gotten a better grade on that paper if I had had more time (Academic Success Center, 2011).’” I procrastinated to make sure that I could say that I did not have enough time to write a good paper if I did not get a grade that increased my grade till an A. However, I realize now that if I would have used proper time management skills and tools that I could have written a good paper and avoided procrastination. One way that I could have avoided procrastination was by gathering information and creating a study schedule. I received my syllabus at the beginning of the semester, so I could have used the information about when the final paper was due to schedule my time properly (Leach, 2016). I knew at the beginning of the semester that I would have this assignment, so I could have started it earlier to spread it out over a longer time period. I also could have created a weekly plan for completing the paper to make sure that I took time each day to do some of the paper (Leach, 2016). A lot of times I see a due date in my planner, but I do not think of how far in advance I should start working on it. This week I was exposed to a useful tool called Trello. One of the tools that I used within it was making a checklist for individual assignments. This helped me to see everything that I needed to do for an individual assignment. I could use Trello in the future for final papers. I can separate out what needs to be done daily to complete a paper by using the checklist feature. Preparing ahead more and understanding that it is fine to dedicate time to assignments even with the risk of failure will help me be more successful in the future.


Academic Success Center. (2011). 6 Reasons People Procrastinate. Retrieved from

Leach, A. (2016, August 23). Time Management Tips for Non-Traditional Students. Retrieved from


Motivation for Online Learning

Week 2 – Discussion Post – Sarah’s Experience


It was very nice to get to meet you. As an online student, it can be very hard to stay motivated. I am hoping that I am able to offer you some advice that can help lead you to success. It seems like your major challenge is the lack of interaction with both peers and teachers. Self regulated learners adjust their situation to be able to meet the demands of their motivation needs. If you need to interact more with peers to stay motivated to complete assignments, reach out to people in the class to see if anyone wants a friend to study and review assignments with. If talking to your teacher is essential to your learning, see if your teacher can set up specific times to meet with you in person or virtually to discuss questions and concerns. If you alter your online learning situation to meet your wants and needs, you will find yourself more motivated to excel at your schoolwork. Also, self regulated learners focus on their goals to help monitor their progress. Since your goal is to graduate on time, you will know that you have to complete your assignments on time to be able to meet this. Keeping your goals in mind at all times will help you stay motivated to achieve it.  Self regulated learning is something you can learn from experience and reflection. Since you are reflecting on your level of motivation now, you can alter your learning style to follow one of a self-regulated learner.

Many college students struggle with the freedom of planning their own schedules. You said that you devote your weekend time to completing your assignments. I know that I am less motivated on the weekends because it feels like it is the part of the week where I should have a break. You might feel more motivated to complete your work if you spread it out over the week. Investing in a planner where you can distinguish days for each assignment could be very beneficial. Also, creating SMART goals for completing your assignments could help. For example, you could make the following goal: Every Monday at 8pm, I will spend 2 hours working on _____ (insert course) homework at the library to have less to do on weekends. Making goals like this for specific assignments and courses not only will help to plan your week, but it can keep you motivated by striving to achieve them. Picking the library as your study spot instead of at home will make you less likely to do other things after work. You will be more engaged in your classwork which will cause more assignments to be completed in a smaller amount of time. However, any study spot that is inclusive to your learning needs can be interchanged for “library” in the SMART goal.

I have had very similar experiences with staying motivated. I started using a planner and color coordinating my assignments to make them seem more fun. I also stopped leaving all of my work for Sunday and found a studying spot that I was most productive at. I also like to have more interaction in my online courses. I make sure to stay engaged with my professor even if it is as simply as sending emails about assignments or when I have questions. I really hope that my advice can help your learning experience! Good luck!

“5W” Resource Evaluation

Week 5 – Discussion – Online Research Evaluation

Link to Website:

Article Title: Creating Your E-portfolio: Design Tips

Published By: Auburn University

Who: This is an article published by Auburn University’s Office of University Writing. It was written by a girl named Morgan who works in the Miller Writing Center at Auburn.

What: This article provides students with tips on how to design an E-portfolio. The tips focus on making it look professional and organized through the use of the acronym CRAP. CRAP stands for contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity. Each of these are described in more detail, and an example of an E-portfolio is provided as a visual. The information is balanced, but there are no sources cited.

Where: This source is recognized by Auburn University and the Miller Writing Center because it is posted on Auburn’s website. Additionally, 20 people liked the article. I did not find any other recognition for the source or any citations.

When: The copyright at the bottom of the page is for 2018, but the article does not have a specific date.

Why: The primary purpose of this article is to inform. This article was published to help students begin to design their E-portfolio as well as inform students to use the Miller Writing Center as a resource for extra help.

Conclusion: This resource can be used to help develop a good design for our ePortfolios. For example, the resource tells us to choose two design elements that contrast. Additionally, the resource provides an example and instructs where to make proper changes to improve the example ePortfolio. This can be helpful when we are proofreading and making final edits to our ePortfolio. When the resource describes how to make our ePortfolios look professional and organized, it explains where Polly’s ePortfolio lacked in the specific areas.