To learn to love investigating (Module 6)

Hello future students,


This week I learned about researching and how one should go about finding a quality source. However, the most important thing I learned was much deeper than than: The importance of researching for your own sake, not just an academic one.


Everyday, you have conversations with others, and everyday, people discuss new ideas and new topics relating to everything from science and technology to politics and people. Everyday you are presented with new information, and now-a-days, you never know whats true and whats false.


If I have learned anything in college, its that you need to think and research for yourself, no matter what anybody else thinks. That requires having good researching skills, and good fact-based resources to be able to take from. In the end, being able to research, not for any academic reason, but for a true love-of-learning sake, is a skill every student needs to learn.


This allows you to grow as a person and live your own life, with your own opinions and own ideals. In order to do so, you need to take the time to sit down and just learn. Not for any real reason, besides your own self-interest in self development, and how you can grow personality. For example, I was reading about artificial intelligence as it is something that interests me, and today it was relevant in an online discussion in class. If you would like to have a read, its really interesting!: (


As it is will all work, learning ain’t easy, but it makes the world a very interesting place.

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