Understanding Data (Module 4)

Hello future OSU students!

This week in 1159 we discussed online learning tools and their ability  to transform data into powerful study tools for students. Over the course of the unit though, I learned how many ways data can be manipulated for better learning. The number of ways? Infinite! I learned that data can be displayed and ingested in countless ways, and there are hundreds of tools out there that can make that happen. For example, there is Quizlet, that allows you to create flash cards for the information you are learning. Additionally, there is a flowchart tool available from GoConqr, which allows you to really visualize what you are trying to learn.

All in all, this module taught me the importance of having an open mind how to understand something. For example, if I was learning about French vocabulary, then I would spend more time using Quizlet making flash cards of the words. However, if I was trying to build a model for my project, then I would turn to GoConqr. I learned that there is no “one” tool for learning, and that you are going to have lots of different tools at your disposal at how you would like to learn that info.


Here are the links to some useful sites that I discussed if you would like to use them!


Quizlet: https://quizlet.com

GoConqr: https://www.goconqr.com/en-US

The Importance of Self Reflection (Module 3)

Hello Future Students,

This week’s module for 1159 focused heavily on how efficient a person is in their daily lives. Personally, the most useful thing I learned in this module is the importance of self reflection in both an academic environment, and a personal one. Throughout the module, I completed a task which had me record each and every thing I did during the day and the time it took to do so. This was very eye opening as it created an opportunity for me to truly understand what I do during my free time, and just how efficient I am. Not surprisingly, I learned that I have time issues I should definitely work on, as it will make my life more stressful as I can plan better for school and beyond. From this point forward, I know to create better schedules for myself to create a better work environment, and to make myself more efficient. Beyond that, I now know it to be a good idea to record my days every once in a while, to ensure that I haven’t slipped back into any bad time wasting habits.   One useful resource I utilized this week in my tracking of my time was Google Sheets. Through the tutorial listed on Slide 18 of this Weeks module (https://support.google.com/docs/answer/6000292?hl=en&ref_topic=2811806), I learned how to effectively track my time. Google Sheets makes it very easy to self evaluate, and thus self improve. I hope this helps!


Learning how to learn (Module 2)

Hello future students!

In today’s day and age, tech is all around us, and is ever evolving and improving. As such, students need to learn how to improve their technological literacy, and the best ways of doing so. Throughout Module 2 of ESEPSY 1159, I learned about the different cloud solutions available for use for students such as Google Doc’s, Google Slide’s, and Google Sheet’s. ( Slide 13, Module 2 Lesson Slides)  Since these are all very interesting technologies, they tend to be very large scale, and have many, many features. Over the course of the module, I started to learn and understand a few ideas of my own, in regards to how much technology is effecting out everyday life.

The most important? Learning how to learn.

Students need to be able to pickup and understand technology in a timely manner, as it because critical for everything from assignments to everyday use. This means learning where your best tools for finding info on new technologies is. This can be anywhere like YouTube, Stack Exchange, to even Wikipedia! These are common sites that I use in learning about different topics and platforms. A quick search about a certain tech can yield thousands of results of helpful videos, posts, and discussions. At the end of the day, learning how to use new and improved tech is the key to success in college and beyond, and this Module has helped me figure out how to do that, and I hope that I can help you learn that skill too.