Review Questions

Who is at highest Risk for IDA?
a. A 76 year old man with history of CAD and falls
b. A 23 year old female with increased menstrual bleeding
c. A 53 year old man who just suffered a myocardial infarction
d. A homeless man with no access to medical care

What diagnosis increases the likelihood of IDA?
a. Atherosclerosis
b. Myasthenia Gravis
c. Peptic Ulcer Disease
d. Broken Long Bone

A patient asks “I have no history of PUD, or any other long-standing health problems, and my birth control prevents me from menstruating. What could be causing my IDA?” The Nurse Practitioners’ best response is:
a. Sometimes things just happen and we are unsure why
b. You may need to increase calcium in your diet to keep your bones strong and make more red blood cells
c. You could have a lack of iron in your diet. Or diarrhea could be impairing your iron absorption
d. We may need to look into other diagnoses like cancer.

How is IDA diagnosed?
a. Blood tests such as Hgb, and iron
b. CT scan of the abdomen
c. MRI of the brain
d. Through ruling out other diagnoses

What is the treatment for IDA?
a. Blood product transfusion
b. Iron supplements PO, IV, IM
c. Increasing exercise routines
d. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy