
Welcome to the Integrated Pharmacotherapy Instructor Resources site. For contact information of administration teams and instructors, as well as other pertinent course information, click on your IP course in the menu above. For instructions on how to submit materials and exam questions, and to find other useful resources, click on Resources.


About the Integrated Pharmacotherapy Sequence

The Integrated Pharmacotherapy (IP) sequence was designed as part of the College of Pharmacy’s I3 Curriculum in 2017. The sequence consists of four courses across the second and third years of the PharmD didactic curriculum, ranging from 7.5 to 9.5 credit hours per course. Each course integrates pathophysiology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and therapeutics, as well as other pharmaceutic sciences across topics as appropriate. The IP courses build on student knowledge developed during both previous and concurrent courses. Over 75 instructors are involved in coordinating and teaching the IP courses, making these the largest team-taught courses in the College.