IPCC Views Swivl

IPC Community View Swivl

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Quick introductions by those attending today’s meeting.  Tim Rhodus demonstrated the auto-tracking feature of a Swivl by passing around the remote control.

Student response systems and ODEE Grant Programs were also discussed.


ELT and IPC Joint Community Meeting

Anand Khurma, Center for Public Health Practice, The Ohio State University

Anand Khurma, Center for Public Health Practice, The Ohio State University

Good Afternoon ELT Community,

Just sending a friendly reminder about tomorrow’s (2/21) ELT/iPCC Community meeting. We’ll be in PAES 143 from 11:30-1PM where we’ll take a closer look at iPad implementations both at the university and course level.

Cory Tressler will open our meeting with a closer look at Cal State Northridge’s iPad program. View more about the myCSUNtablet iPad initiative here:  http://www.slideshare.net/dzell/i-pad-you-pad-we-all-pad

Nicole Kraft will spend the second part of our meeting sharing her experiences and lessons learned from redesigning her course to leverage iPads, which were distributed to all of her students. Get a sneak peak of her work here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjjKi4uryCw

If it’s the third Friday of the month…it’s ELT!


Anand Khurma, MA

Cory Tressler, ODEE, Ohio State University

Cory Tressler, Office of Distance Education and eLearning, Ohio State University

Nicole Kraft, School of Communication, The Ohio State University

Nicole Kraft, School of Communication, The Ohio State University

Cory – Part 1 – View Nicole – Part 1 – View
Cory – Part 2 – View Nicole – Part 2 – View
Cory – Part 3 – View Nicole – Part 3 – View
Cory – Part 4 – View

Presenting on LCD or HD Monitor – Testing AirServer & Apple TV

I put together a brief slideshow to compare the amount of screen real estate being used on a LCD or HD monitor when streaming the iPad to AirServer or Apple TV.  Caution: your mileage may vary but I still endorse AirServer as the way to go.

Using an LCD projector with 1024×768 resolution:

  • Slide 1: MacBook Pro with VGA output connected to LCD projector, Area in blue not covered by projector
  • Slide 2: iPad Mini streaming to AirServer on MacBook Pro – No Change in viewing area
  • Slide 3: iPad Mini streaming to AirServer on MacBook Pro – No Change in viewing area
  • Slide 4: iPad Mini streaming to Apple TV. HDMI  to VGA with Audio converter (KanexPro) – Significant reduction in viewing are
  • Slide 5: Horizontal squeezing is obvious

Using an HD Monitor with 1080P resolution:

  • Slide 6: MacBook Pro connected to HD monitor with HDMI cable – resolution set to Best for External Display – No loss of screen area
  • Slide 7: MacBook Pro connected to HD monitor with HDMI cable – resolution set to Best for Retina DisplaySome loss of screen area
  • Slide 8: iPad Mini streaming to AirServer on MacBook Pro and connected to HD monitor – Either  Display option – Definite loss of screen area
  • Slide 9: Apple TV connected to HD monitor with HDMI – No loss of screen area
  • Slide 10: iPad Mini streaming to Apple TV connected to HD monitor – Significant loss of screen area


Successful Kickoff event for IPCC

The September 20th kickoff event for iPads in the Classroom Community at Ohio State University was a great success, SRO.  A two-part recording of the presentations is available on YouTube and includes: Welcome and introductions – Anand Khurma, What you can expect – Cynthia Dassler, OSU Status – Cory Tressler, Pedagogy – Tim Rhodus,  iPad use in H&CS –  Tim Rhodus, iPad use in EEOB – Cynthia Dassler, iPad use in MBOE – Jacob Bane, iPad use in OSUMB – Charlie King, Update from Mike Hofherr, Deployment – Mike Kaylor, Communications – Jacob Bane and Group Logistics – Cynthia Dassler.

Part 1 (30 minutes): http://youtu.be/fTfuRlGtSgk
Part 2 (31 minutes): http://youtu.be/eKiOXoMMAL4