El Salvador: Final Information Network

Traditional Periodicals:

The Guardian: El Salvador is an international newspaper that covers stories about politics, society, sports, etc. from around the world and I am using it as one of my Traditional Newpapers. The founder of the Guardian newspaper was C. P. Scott who was a British journalist, publisher and politician who pursued a liberal agenda in his newspaper. This news source is updated fairly frequently (about once a week) depending on what major events are happening within El Salvador.
This website is accessed at https://www.theguardian.com/world/el-salvador , on Facebook: The Guardian and on Twitter: @guardian
I chose this news source because it is a world-renowned source of news covering a plethora of issues in El Salvador but the country of origin for this news source is London, United Kingdom. This is a primary news source written in English which relays information to the rest of the world on what major events that are taking place in El Salvador. The Guardian: El Salvador website is organized so one can easily visit the different features of culture, sports, politics etc. and displays the most recent news about El Salvador at the top of the website with a left margin that shows when a particular news story was published. The perspective of this source was originally a liberal perspective but now it is more unbiased while displaying information on both sides of the issues discussed. The strength of this source is that it is in English which is one of the most used languages around the world, it has an unbiased view in it’s articles which will receive a bigger audience from all standpoints. The Weaknesses of the Guardian is that it only releases articles on major issues happening within El Salvador, so it doesn’t update every day and is therefore inconsistent and unreliable to depend on for daily information in El Salvador. Another weakness for this article is that because it is based out of London, it has a first world perspective on third world issues taking place in El Salvador and may display an unknowingly biased view. I feel that this source is valuable for people wanting to learn more about El Salvador because it displays an unbiased view from a first world perspective on the important events taking place in El Salvador and the articles are written in English so a broader audience can read them.

TIME: El Salvador is an online magazine source in English which I am using for my Magazine (second Traditional) source. The organization behind TIME wanted to create brief article on true events which is how this magazine began. TIME magazine doesn’t update as recently as my other sources, although it does display the most crucial news weekly.
This online magazine is located at http://time.com/tag/el-salvador/ as well as their social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
TIME originated in the United States in 1923 and is written in English. This magazine has several articles on the front of the page with the most popular featured on the right side including any category you can think of. The perspective of TIME is just to release the important stories which will get readers to buy their magazine. The strength of this source is that it is in English and has several topics. The weaknesses of this source is that it doesn’t release information straight from El Salvador. I chose this source because TIME magazine is a well-known magazine which features all the top stories in the world weekly.

El Mundo is what I will be using for my Traditional Newspaper source. The organization behind El Mundo has a center-right and liberal view while writing their articles. This source is updated daily with news from all over Spain and the Spanish speaking world. One can find information for national and international news such as entertainment, politics, and sports on this website. El Mundo is written in Spanish, so although I do not speak Spanish, I could easily put these articles through an online translator to receive information from the area of the world surrounding my country of El Salvador.
This source is accessed at http://elmundo.sv/ and also on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram under the name El Mundo.
The country of origin is Spain and the language is Spanish. One can find information for national and international news such as entertainment, politics, and sports on this website. This source has a liberal perspective. The strength of this source is that it is from another Spanish speaking country so the information can be understood by the Salvadorans. The weakness of this source is that Spain is far away from El Salvador so it probably won’t have the most accurate or updated information. I chose this source because it is very credible with an international point of view of El Salvador and although the target audience are a Spanish speaking audience, I am more than able to translate these articles to make them usable for myself.

CountryWatch is the source I will be using as my final traditional periodical. The organization behind this source has members with strong academic backgrounds and extensive international business experience which allows CountryWatch to provide critical country-specific information and data to public and private audiences/organizations. This source is updated frequently with GDP information and other recent data for 2018 already available.
This source is accessed at http://countrywatch.com/Intelligence/CountryReviews?CountryID=53 and on Facebook and Twitter as Country Watch.
CountryWatch doesn’t necessarily have a country of origin although most of the people in charge of the organization are from the United States. The language of this source is English so most of the world which has internet should be able to read this source. This source displays current data and important issues taking place within countries. The perspective of this source is an international perspective with no bias to any particular country, just data. The strengths of this source are that it is in English so a lot of the internet world can read it and it includes important data for every country so it is extremely useful if you want to use a single website for multiple country statistics. The weaknesses of this website is that it doesn’t have a local perspective so it may not have the most recent or accurate data. I think this source is valuable for those wishing to learn more about El Salvador because it is in English and includes recent data and statistics pertaining to El Salvador, as well as all other countries, from a international perspective.

New Media Sources:

DiarioLatino.net is a Spanish language newspaper which derives from San Salvador, El Salvador’s capital. I am using this as my New Media source since the online Diario Latino was just founded in 2008. The organization behind DiarioLatino promotes a leftist view since 1989 when the employees stopped receiving pay, they switched from from a right-wing to the most prominent left-wing newspaper. This newspaper includes national, international, economic, sports, politics, etc. news with daily updates and articles. This news source is updated daily so it will be one of my best sources to use for current events.
This website can be accessed at http://diariolatino.net/ It can also be found on Facebook as Diario Latino and on Twitter @DiarioLatino.
The country of origin for this source is El Salvador and the language is Spanish. Even though I do not speak Spanish, I do speak French so maybe there are some cognitive words that will help me to understand this newspaper. Also, I can always try to translate the article online which would help me to better understand the material. Entertainment, Politics, Sports, etc. can be found on this source. The perspective of this source if a leftist perspective. The strengths of this source is that it covers several topics while deriving from San Salvador the nation’s capital, so it will have the most recent and accurate news. The weaknesses of this source is that it is in Spanish so there is a language barrier for many internet users and it is a biased site since it comes from a Leftist background so they may choose to eliminate or highlight certain political details depending on what makes them look good. I chose this news source and believe it is important since it is coming from within the countries capital, therefore it should have more information on what is happening in El Salvador and it covers a wide variety of topics.

Latin America Working Group (LAWG) is the Blog website I will be using as my New Media source. The organization behind LAWG is meant to amplify activists’ voices in Washington DC and offer them tools to expand their ability to influence U.S. foreign policy. This source receives new blogs spontaneously so it could be daily or weekly depending on what is going on in the world and who decides to blog on it.
LAWG is accessed at http://lawg.org/component/taxonomy/term/summary/223/68 and also on Facebook and Twitter by the same name.
LAWG is originated in the U.S. and has the blog posts in English. One can find information over several subjects including politics, social movements and government actions including those of the U.S. This organization has a Leftist view since it wants to help create policies for Latin Americans abroad and in the U.S. The strength of this blog cite is they are free to discuss important issues on foreign policy without being forced to have a filter by the government and it’s in English. The weakness of this blog is they are a non-profit, so they must self-sustain in order to continue their organization. I chose this source because it is extremely credible including information such as the address, phone number and email as to where one can easily contact this organization. It also allows the possibility to hear various points-of-view from several people. Although the target audience is mostly a Spanish speaking audience, this blog site allows you to translate the page if you wish, which is extremely helpful.

Social Media Sources:

Salvador Sanchez is the Twitter account name for the President of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez Ceren. I am using the Twitter account of President Sanchez as my Social Media source. The organization behind Twitter has no political views, Twitter is just used to share thoughts and pictures, although Ceren is from the Leftist party. This source is constantly updated and President Sanchez tweets approximately every day, usually several times a day which will make this source very handy in keeping up with the most current events happening within El Salvador.
This source is accessed at https://twitter.com/sanchezceren?lang=en
Twitter is based out of the United States but is used worldwide, and the original language if English but it now includes most languages. Although Ceren’s Twitter account is written in Spanish, I am able to translate the page to English so I can understand it better. I chose this source because the President of El Salvador tweets about all the social, political, economic, and entertaining events that happen in El Salvador. In addition, he seems to be a part of most of these events as well, so he will have an insider view which is also inclusive. This source’s strengths are that it will be one of my most useful sources since I will be getting a direct insider view of events in El Salvador and am able to read it in my native language. The negatives of this source is his tweets are probably super biased with a Leftist perspective. This source is valuable for El Salvador because it is interesting to see what information the president wants to promote on his personal account. While President Sanchez posts about the current events taking place in El Salvador, this also has helped me find other twitter accounts and websites to use as future sources and to find more in depth information. In addition, he seems to be a part of most of these events as well, so he will have an insider view which is also inclusive.

Oscar Ortiz is the Facebook account I will use for my Social Media source. The organization behind Facebook does not have a political view but Ortiz is currently the Vice President for El Salvador for the Leftist party, although he will be running for President in the upcoming elections as an independent. This source is constantly updated and Ortiz posts on Facebook almost every day.
This source can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/
The country of origin is the United States and it is in English. This source displays any type of information but I will receive the political views that Ortiz wants to promote on his page. The perspective of this source is currently left-wing but will change soon when Ortiz runs for president. The strengths of this source is that it updates constantly and I enjoy this source because you can receive information from individuals as they want to display it rather than how the media wants everyone to receive the information. The weaknesses of this source are it is very biased and the information can be inconsistent. I chose this source because it is updated daily, one can find news about any part of the world from any part of the world depending on who you follow, and the target audience is anyone with a Facebook.

Audio/Video Sources:

wwiTV.com is an online Television source that broadcasts straight from San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. The organization behind this source has no political leverage, they just display television for entertainment. This source shows the most recent broadcasts from Canal 33. This source updates constantly showing the most recent broadcasts and live streams of the most important events happening in El Salvador, so it will be a great source for me to keep up with.
This online television source can be found at https://wwitv.com/tv_channels/b4523.htm. Also on Facebook as wwiTV and on Twitter @wwiTV.
This source originates from El Salvador and is in Spanish and does not include English subtitles, but I am sure once I see a video of importance to El Salvador, I can look up the translation and use the information from there. I chose this as my television source because although wwiTV isn’t completely about El Salvador, Canal 33 comes directly from the nation’s capital. I chose this as my Television website because it includes content of national programs committed to the Salvadorian society, opinion, and entertainment. There is no certain perspective of this source but the strength is that it is from the nation’s capital with visuals to go with the information and the weakness is that it is in Spanish which many people don’t understand.

Radio Cadena YSKL is a radio station on Streema.com and is the Radio/Audio source that I will be using. The organization behind this radio station is from San Salvador and updates constantly so it will include the most recent, non-biased, and intriguing information for a broad audience. 5/5 stars and most listened to.
This source can be accessed at https://streema.com/radios/Radio_YSKL_Corporacion , also on Facebook and Twitter at Radio Cadena YSKL
This source is originated from El Salvador and is in Spanish. Although most of the radio stations on Streema are targeted to Spanish speakers, at the bottom of the page, the website allows you to choose the language English, Dutch, French, Portuguese or Spanish so it is accessible to nearly everyone. This source gives information such as News, Sports, Entertainment and Community information straight from San Salvador, the nation’s capital. Radio Cadena YSKL has a national, local perspective and is reliable with all the information you need to determine so at the bottom of the page. The strengths of this source is that it has all the information one needs to determine that it is reliable and includes non-biased information to a broad, all-inclusive audience within El Salvador. Another strength of this source is that although the original language is Spanish, it can be translated into English and other commonly used languages. The weakness of this source is that it is in Spanish so that limits the listening audience unless you want to go through the work to translate. I chose this source because I feel it includes information that is currently taking place in El Salvador with an un-biased view so it will include all details that are available for a broad audience since it gives information of several subjects. This station is rated 5/5 stars and it one of the most listened to stations on Streema so I believe it is a great source to get the general ideals of Salvadorans on these subjects.

Radio Progreso 90.5 is another radio station on Streema which is the third Radio/Audio source that I will be using. This source is updated constantly and is backed by a group with a religious, family-oriented incentive from San Salvador.
This source is accessed at https://streema.com/radios/Radio_Progreso_2 as well as on Facebook and Twitter under Radio Progreso 90.5.
The country of origin for this source is El Salvador with the language being Spanish. This station broadcasts straight from San Salvador, the nation’s capital, providing Christian Religious Teachings, Music and programs as a family friendly, educational, and religious station. The perspective of this source is national and religious, so it may not be as accepting of other religious groups but it will display the most current Christian events in San Salvador as well as family friendly news. The strength of this source is that it comes straight from El Salvador’s capital so it has the most current and likely the most accurate information on the subjects that this station covers. The weakness of this radio station is that it only covers family friendly and Christian issues so it will be extremely biased with the information it displays and it doesn’t attract a broad audience. I find this source valuable for those wishing to learn more about El Salvador because it gives a religious perspective while still broadcasting important issues in El Salvador and keeping a family-friendly discussion. This is a useful source because I have no other sources with this perspective and since it is constructed from within San Salvador, I assume the information to be updated frequently and accurate.

Data Sources:

Global Stats: Stat Counter is an online social media data base which I am using for my data source. The organization behind Global Stats is based in Dublin and counts the stats based on hits. This information is free until one uses advanced services, then it costs a small amount. Global Stats is an international website which displays the most up to date social media stats from all over the world. This page uploads once a month so it doesn’t display information too often, although while using over 15 billion page views per month to get their statistics, I understand why they must only update once per month to get a correct analysis of the world’s current social media stats.
One can reach this source at http://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats/all/el-salvador on Facebook as StatCounter and on Twitter @statcountergs
This source is originated from Ireland and is in English. The stats include those of Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. There is an international perspective form this source which doesn’t affect the data since it is all based on statistics. The strength of this website is it uses concise data and a smart strategy to get it. The weakness is this site has only updates once a month. I chose this source because although it is run out of Dublin, Ireland, the stats from around the globe are based on over 15 billion page views per month. Therefore, I believe that these stats are very precise. Even though they will only update once a month, they may release other interesting information about the stats in El Salvador on their social media pages.

Development Initiatives is the Data source that I will be using. The organization behind Development Initiatives is working towards ending extreme poverty by 2030 by making data and information on poverty and resource flows transparent, accessible and useable. Data such as government spending, revenue, wages, GDP and other important national data can be found on this source. One can find domestic and international government spending on this website. This source is not updated very frequently, the last time was in 2017, although it includes some descriptive data on government financing.
This source can be found at http://data.devinit.org/country/el-salvador and also on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter under the same name.
I chose this source because it is a reliable international source based out of England and Wales, giving an alternative perspective of the events happening within El Salvador. The target audience includes anyone who can read English or is able to translate the page. All financial data including wages, taxes, revenues, etc. can be found through this source. This source has an international perspective since it is based in England and Wales, but is unbiased since it is displaying publicly available data. The strengths of this source are that it has lots of financial data and information of each country and can be used for finding data world-wide. The weaknesses of this source are that it is not updated frequently and with an international perspective it may not have the most accurate information. I feel this source is valuable because the organization behind the source is working toward a great global goal and there is useful information on this website when it is updated.

El Salvador: Final Information Network

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El Salvador – Global New Post #6 – Taylor Oates

El Salvador – Global New Post #6 – Taylor Oates


Currently in El Salvador, abortion is banned under all circumstances since 1998. If women are accused of having an abortion, they are charged with aggravated homicide and could receive up to 50 years in jail. The medical professionals who assist the women with their abortions, while under this ban of abortions, would be jailed as well. In August of 2017, a bill was proposed which would legally allow abortion in some cases if it is passed. However, if lawmakers don’t move quickly the ban on abortion in El Salvador may stay due to a more conservative group potentially coming into power next election.

Johnny Wright Sol from the conservative party proposed the bill that would legalize abortion in cases where the mother’s life is endangered or a minor was raped, which is what the law was before 1998. However, in 1998 the constitution recognized life beginning at conception, hence the current law banning abortion. Despite Wright stating this would be the best time for this bill since it could receive the required 43-vote majority before the change in political power, his conservative ARENA party does not back him on this proposal. Wright says that El Salvador has a very paternalistic culture which is why they don’t have much say.

Women who have had miscarriages or still births have been sent to jail under the charge of aggravated murder, associated with abortion, for 30 plus years. There are currently dozens of women in jail who were falsely charged with abortions and all women want to change the law, but as women in this paternalistic culture, they are never listened to. Lorena Peña is also pushing a proposal close to this but it is less likely to pass. However, Peña says that if the reform is not approved in April, they need to continue trying because they can’t stay silent for another decade with such an important and life-compromising issue.

Latin America has the highest annual rate of abortion in the world with 44 women out of 1,000 having abortions. Also, about 7 million women in developing countries must receive treatments for complications and 47,000 women die due to the unsafe abortions they must have since abortion is illegal in most Latin American countries. Fortunately, several Latin American countries are starting to lift the ban on all abortions and are allowing them in cases of rape or where the life of the mother will be compromised.

I hope that El Salvador does pass this bill that allows women to have abortions in cases where the life of the mother will be compromised or where the woman was raped. I feel that if the mother wants to abort the baby, they will do it one way or another so why not try to keep their life safe in the process rather than leaving both the mother and unborn child to die. I feel that the jail sentences up to 50 years for an abortion is ridiculous because the mother is the one who would have to care for the child and in a developing country she may struggle to do so, therefore, she should have the choice to have that child or not. The fact that women have served full or even half sentences of fifteen years plus for after being convicted for aggravated murder when they had a miscarriage or still birth breaks my heart. Not only did those women have to suffer the tragic loss of their child, they were torn from the rest of their children or family and sent to jail for years for a “crime” they didn’t even commit. I am in full support of this bill allowing women the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies and unborn children under these horrendous circumstances, and I hope that the rest of El Salvador will vote to allow these women to have the right and choice that they deserve.

Works Cited

Welsh, Teresa. “’It’s Time-Critical’: the Race to Overturn Abortion Ban in El Salvador.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 3 Apr. 2018, www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/apr/03/lawmakers-el-salvador-race-to-overturn-abortion-ban. Accessed 8 Apr. 2018.

Pena, Alex. Salvadoran Women Protest for the Abortion Ban to Be Overturned during a One-Day Strike to Defend Women’s Rights on International Women’s Day. Getty Images. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/apr/03/lawmakers-el-salvador-race-to-overturn-abortion-ban#img-1. Accessed 8 Apr. 2018.

Global News Post #5 – El Salvador – Taylor Oates


The article I read for this global news post is titled “El Salvador Vice-President Ortiz ‘Won’t be FMLN Candidate’”. Ortiz chose not to stay with the FMLN party because he believes they need to make several changes within the party. Some of these changes include acting with intelligence, openness, and humility in order to correctly represent the left and the FMLN in their presidential candidacy. Ortiz explains that he expects the candidate of the FMLN to be strong and welcome new challenges which come with each new generation.
Former Public Works Minister and FMLN Gerson Martinez is a candidate under the FMLN party for the upcoming election in 2019. Martinez states in the article that instead of focusing on running for the coveted administrative position, he will devote his time to the tasks of the public that have been appointed to him as Minister since one’s mind can’t be in two places at once. Martinez has no intention of being FMLN’s only candidate “but insists that the election is done in a ‘democratic, transparent and open’ manner” (telesur).
Earlier in March, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) discussed the errors in the voting software during the legislative and municipal Midterm elections. The General Prosecutor’s Office (FGR) confirmed they would do an investigation of the votes to make sure no criminal activity was done. Francisco Campo, Smartmatic Commercial Director said the “human error” had listed the candidates in a disorganized way through the software, therefore it had to process 13,000 tally sheets a twice, which changed the results slightly.

I chose to write about this article because I did my Presentation on Country Report over the Midterm elections discussed slightly here. In the Midterm elections, the political party Arena beat FMLN by double in both the legislative and municipal elections. This was shocking to much of the population because the FMLN is currently in power with President Salvador Sánchez Céren and several major cities including the capital city San Salvador have a mayor in the FMLN party.
The FMLN has been in power since 2009 and has made a few important social-movement changes such as the Law Against Violence Against Women and Access to Public Info Law. However, the people of El Salvador want to see governmental changes such as the restructuring of the neoliberal economy and a crack down on gang violence. Unfortunately, ARENA is not planning on continuing the social-movements efforts that FMLN has started and they are going to instead make changes in El Salvador that mostly benefit the elite.
During the Midterm election there was a “miscount” and they had to count twice, so the results slightly changed due to the overly-exhausted volunteers. The Chamber, controlled by ARENA, forbid any political members from the FMLN to work the polls for the Midterm elections. Therefore, there were very few volunteers who had to work for about eleven hours, then tally up all of the results and take them to the TSE. This resulted in a mix up of the tally count but it was quickly fixed. Vice-President Ortiz is veering more towards the Right with his president candidacy in hopes of creating changes for the better. I don’t believe the Right’s agenda will help the public population as much as it will help the private, elite population of El Salvador, but I hope that Vice-President Ortiz truly has good intentions in mind to help these citizens who desperately need it.

Works Cited
“El Salvador Vice-President Ortiz ‘Won’t Be FMLN Candidate’.” News TeleSUR English, TeleSUR, 22 Mar. 2018, www.telesurtv.net/english/news/El-Salvador-Vice-President-Ortiz-Wont-be-FMLN-Candidate-20180322-0027.html. 25 Mar. 2018.

Global News Post #5 – El Salvador – Taylor Oates

Global News Post #4 – El Salvador – Taylor Oates


Farm workers harvesting sugar in El Salvador are experiencing a chronic kidney disease. Despite the risk of obtaining this disease, the Salvadorans continue the tiresome work in the fields due to their personal and economic struggles. This article includes a report by Fred de Sam Lazaro discussing how certain individuals are trying to make the working conditions in El Salvador better in all aspects.

The workers try to start work before the sun rises to scorch them during the long hours of the day, while the exertion of their work is comparable to running a half-marathon every day. Starting twenty years ago, Fred de Sam Lazaro says, “…doctors began noticing an alarming increase in the number of these young workers across Central America who were coming into hospitals with a mysterious, ultimately fatal kidney ailment”. Dr. Ramon Garcia says that “Seven to eight deaths every day in this small country is 10, 12 times more than the expected death rate. This is a silent massacre”.

After further investigation, they found nearly one-fifth of the sugarcane workers were suffering from chronic kidney disease even though they didn’t show the usual risk factors like high blood pressure or diabetes. Following several studies, pesticides were thought to be the culprit, but why wouldn’t they have a similar impact in the other areas they are sprayed such as the U.S.? Dr. Garcia then suggested it could be caused by severe dehydration due to the farm workers sweating out more than the water they are drinking, which prevents the kidneys from functioning fully.

While trying to pin-point the cause, others are trying to find ways to currently improve working conditions. A couple options were mechanization or farmers working together in cooperatives to make effective use of the land, but that would create a surplus of labor. A new policy for most companies is to allow plenty of rest time and water consumption, whether the workers feel thirsty or not. Also, a machete from Australia was introduced because it is long and they wouldn’t have to bend too low to cut the sugar. The breaks are beneficial to their health, but the workers get paid by how much sugar they cut, not hourly, so they lose pay. The machete is effective, until it dulls at the end of every hour, resulting in the workers wasting time on sharpening the machete and losing pay. The small farmers can’t afford the machete in the first place, or the rest periods, so these aren’t the best solutions.

A final idea is crop diversification. Juan Wright thinks cocoa compliments sugarcane and cocoa needs trees to grow. Therefore, it is grown in an agricultural forest, which would provide jobs in a much friendlier and healthier work environment. This switch of cultivating new crops requires a lot of time, new equipment and money. Therefore, small farmers can’t do it, and they make up 92% of the sugarcane supply! Modern businesses are hard to adopt due to the love of tradition and government regulation insisting sugar is too important to the economy.
To end the article, Fred de Sam Lazaro declares that “Boston University has just begun a three-year study trying to further unlock the mystery of a conditions that has claimed the lives of more than 25,000 Central American agricultural workers over the last two decades”. This article was truly intriguing, although, I believe they found the cause of the chronic kidney disease was that the farm workers were too dehydrated during the hot work days, but refuse to fix the problem with more frequent breaks for rest and water because they will lose money. Now all the farm workers must answer this question, ‘would you rather lose your life to kidney disease or lose a tenth of your daily work pay by taking the necessary breaks for your health’?

Works Cited
“The ‘Silent Massacre’ Killing El Salvador’s Sugarcane Workers.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service, 28 Feb. 2018, www.pbs.org/newshour/show/the-silent-massacre-killing-el-salvadors-sugarcane-workers#transcript. Accessed 4 March 2018.
Lemon, Maya. Father, Son, and the Hired Mozos Drop Seed into the Ground. 2 July 2013. https://austinelsalvador.wordpress.com/category/environment/. Accessed 4 March 2018.

El Salvador – Global News Post #3 – Taylor Oates


On January 13th, 2001, a massive earthquake measuring at 7.6 created a landslide down a neighborhood on a hill in Santa Tecla, El Salvador. This landslide wiped out everything in its path killing about 585 people along the way. The only surviving house, which is still there today, is “La Casa de Los Guirola”, the century old colonial mansion halfway up the hill. The local legend tells the tale that the original owner was a despised old man who made a pact with the devil, resulting in this mansion’s survival from one of the most devastating earthquakes to ever hit El Salvador. A machete-wielding former soldier, Emilio Flores, is now paid to guard this mansion where he says he still hears the screams of the people who were killed when the neighborhood of Los Colinas was destroyed by the earthquake. This earthquake of 2001 was recently brought back to the spot light since Trump decided the destruction has been mostly repaired and is now a “safe” place for the 260,000 Salvadorans living in the U.S. under the Temporary Protected Status to live. Of course, Trump didn’t think (or care) about the fact that most of them have lived in the U.S. for more than fifteen years, knowing nothing of how or where to survive in El Salvador, and that the gangs and violence are at an all time high with the capital San Salvador, only ten minutes away by car, named the “murder capital of the world”.
In the ruins of the landslide is a memorial park with four plaques on a wall which have the names of those who died from the destruction. Near the memorial park is the Estadio Las Delicias which is the city-owned stadium where the Santa Tecla FC has been unbeatable for nearly two years in soccer. It had been four decades since Santa Tecla has had a successful soccer team. Santa Tecla FC was promoted to El Salvador’s first division in 2012, winning three consecutive championships from 2015-2017. This soccer team with its several successes has brought joy and entertainment to the formerly melancholy Santa Tecla.
This article also discussed the upcoming game between the Sounders, playing the opening match of their two-leg CONCACAF Champions League series, against the Santa Tecla FC at Estadio Las Delicias stadium. I looked up who won the game between these two teams on Thursday January 22nd, 2018 and found that Santa Tecla FC won the game 2-1! This resulted in another grand celebration for the young team founded only eleven years ago, after the landslide destruction. Santa Tecla continues to grow and is now one of El Salvador’s most densely populated areas. One of the main tourist attractions is the strip of Paseo El Carmen with restaurants, bars, and discos, as well as a church built in 1856 which is one the of the most recognizable landmarks. With the soccer stadium bringing in about $30,000 a month, Santa Tecla is making an amazing economic and community comeback since the tragic natural disaster of 2001.

Works Cited:
Baker, Geoff. “Sounders Playing in Santa Tecla, El Salvador – a Town Once Devastated by a Landslide That Killed 585 but Is Now Brightened by Soccer.” The Seattle Times, The Seattle Times Company, 21 Feb. 2018, www.seattletimes.com/sports/sounders/sounders-playing-in-santa-tecla-el-salvador-a-town-once-devastated-by-a-landslide-that-killed-585-but-is-now-brightened-by-soccer/. Accessed 25 Feb. 2018.

El Salvador – Global News Post 2 – Taylor Oates


This article discusses how much danger the El Salvadoran women are in when they are deported back to El Salvador and the murderous gangs that control the country. President Trump stated that he would terminate the Temporary Protected Status of over 200,000 El Salvador natives, forcing them to fight to survive in their home country. The El Salvador gangs Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) and their rival 18th Street Gang want the young, teenage girls being sent back to El Salvador dead. The gangs want them dead because they believe these girls are traitors for leaving El Salvador to make home in America and the girls have specific testimony on the gangs. Now these young girls must live hidden with a whole new look, their past personal records erased, and on short-term leases at safe houses in case the gangs find out where they live and they must leave in a hurry. Around ten women a day are caught in violence or sexual abuse. The gangs will commit violence or homicide if a woman is walking around without a gift (money), something for them to steal (phone), if you are wearing something that the rival gang has claimed (certain shoes/clothes), or have your ID which says you live in rival turf. The worst part about the gangs in El Salvador is anyone could be a part of them, tattooed thugs, government members, and even the police. These girls try to uglify themselves and lay low when in public so the gang members won’t choose them as their girlfriends. If you are chosen as a girlfriend to one of the gang members, you can never say no to sex and you will be shared among twenty-five gang members. Saying no to any of this results in death. Some interviewees say that the entire culture of El Salvador must be challenged, especially the extreme patriarchal system in which women must say yes to men, accept the violence bestowed upon them, and believe that men are superior. Meanwhile the men are taught to prove they are strong, aggressive and capable of violence. The harsh reality is that the women being deported from the U.S. back to El Salvador must worry about being raped, trafficked, robbed, and killed upon entering their home country, most not lucky enough to have a safehouse, or anywhere else to call home.

The perspectives in the article include those of women who have lived in El Salvador their whole lives and women who have already been deported to El Salvador form the U.S. since Trump has been in office. These El Salvadoran women who live in fear each day, helped make this article more credible in the devastating topic it discussed.

Works Cited
Townsend, Mark. “Women Deported by Trump Face Deadly Welcome from Street Gangs in El Salvador.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 13 Jan. 2018, www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/jan/13/el-salvador-women-deported-by-trump-face-deadly-welcome-street-gangs.

El Salvador – Information Network Version One – Taylor Oates

The Guardian: El Salvador The Guardian is an international newspaper that covers stories about politics, society, sports, etc. from around the world and I am using it as one of my Traditional Newspapers. This is a primary news source written in English which relays information to the rest of the world on what major events that are taking place in El Salvador. The Guardian: El Salvador website is organized so one can easily visit the different features of culture, sports, politics etc. displaying the most recent news about El Salvador at the top of the website with a left margin that shows when a particular news story was published. This news source is updated fairly frequently (about once a week) depending on what is happening within El Salvador.
This website is accessed at https://www.theguardian.com/world/el-salvador, on Facebook: The Guardian and on Twitter: @guardian.
I chose this news source because it is a world-renowned source of news covering a plethora of issues in El Salvador. I am following The Guardian on Facebook which features all the newest news with the links to stay up to date, as well as consistently checking the website in my favorites toolbar for new information.

DiarioLatino.net is a Spanish language newspaper which derives from San Salvador, El Salvador’s capital. I am using this as my New Media source since the online Diario Latino was just founded in 2008. This newspaper includes national, international, economic, sports, politics, etc. news with daily updates and articles.
This website can be accessed at http://diariolatino.net/. It can also be found on Facebook as Diario Latino and on Twitter @DiarioLatino.
I am following this source on Twitter and Facebook which I check daily as well as putting the web address in my favorites toolbar. Even though I do not speak Spanish, I do speak French so maybe there are some cognitive words that will help me to understand this newspaper. Also, I can always try to translate the article online which would help me to better understand the material. I chose this news source and believe it is important since it is coming from within the countries capital, therefore it should have more information on what is happening in El Salvador. This news source is updated daily so it will be one of my best sources to use for current events.

Time: El Salvador is an online magazine source in English which I am using for my Magazine (second Traditional) source. This magazine has several stories on the front of the page with the most popular featured on the right side. Time magazine doesn’t update as recently as my other sources, although it does display the most crucial news immediately from an international and professional point of view.
This online magazine is located at http://time.com/tag/el-salvador/ as well as their social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
I chose this source because Time magazine is a well-known magazine which features all of the top stories in the world. Also, this source has several social media accounts that I can look at as well, which they may update more frequently. I am following Time on Facebook and Twitter which I check daily as well as putting the magazine in my favorites on the toolbar to see the most recent stories.

wwiTV.com is an online Television source that broadcasts straight from San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador. This source shows the most recent broadcasts from Canal 33. I chose this television website because it includes content of national programs committed to the Salvadorian society, opinion, and entertainment.
This online television source can be found at https://wwitv.com/tv_channels/b4523.htm. Also on Facebook as wwiTV and on Twitter @wwiTV.
I chose this as my television source because although wwiTV isn’t completely about El Salvador, Canal 33 comes directly from the nation’s capital. This source is in Spanish and does not include English subtitles, but I am sure once I see a video of importance to El Salvador, I can look up the translation and use the information from there. This source includes the most recent broadcasts and live streams of the most important events happening in El Salvador, so it will be a great source for me to keep up with. I put this website address in my favorites and am following the on Facebook and Twitter which I check daily to stay up to date with the most current events.

Global Stats: Stat Counter is an online social media data base which I am using for my data source. Global Stats is an international website which displays the most up to date social media stats from all over the world. The stats include those of Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.
One can reach this source at http://gs.statcounter.com/social-media-stats/all/el-salvador, on Facebook as StatCounter and on Twitter @statcountergs.
I chose this source because although it is run out of Dublin, Ireland, the stats from around the globe are based on over 15 billion page views per month. Therefore, I believe that these stats are very precise. This page uploads once a month so it doesn’t display information too often, although while using over 15 billion page views per month to get their statistics, I understand why they must only update once per month to get a correct analysis of the world’s current social media stats. To keep up with this source, I added the web address to my favorites toolbar and followed them on Facebook and Twitter. Even though they will only update once a month, they may release other interesting information about the stats in El Salvador on their social media pages.

Salvador Sanchez is the Twitter account name for the President of El Salvador, Salvador Sanchez Ceren. I am using the Twitter account of President Sanchez as my Social Media source.
This source is accessed at https://twitter.com/sanchezceren?lang=en.
President Sanchez tweets approximately every day, usually several times a day which will make this source very handy in keeping up with the most current events happening within El Salvador. I chose this source because the President of El Salvador has a high position of power offering a new perspective. President Sanchez tweets about all the social, political, economic, and entertaining events that happen in El Salvador. In addition, he seems to be a part of most of these events, therefore, he will have an insider perspective which is also inclusive. Although his Twitter account is written in Spanish, I am able to translate the page to English so I can understand it better. This source will be one of my most useful sources since I will be getting information of the events taking place in El Salvador from a first-person point of view and am able to read it in my native language. While President Sanchez posts about the current events taking place in El Salvador, this also has helped me find other Twitter accounts and websites to use as future sources where I can search for more in depth information. I plan to keep up with President Sanchez’s Twitter account by following him on Twitter and checking his account daily.

Search Process:
I began searching for my sources on the websites given in class, then decided to search more specifically in Google Search. Searching with specific key words in Google was what I found the most successful. Also, once I found the source of Salvador Sanchez’s Twitter page, his tweets led me to several other sources which was extremely helpful. It was a little difficult finding a wide variety of sources on El Salvador since it is quite a small and a developing country. It was even more difficult that several of the sources I found were written or spoken in Spanish and I wasn’t able to translate them. Despite the obstacles, I learned to search with specific wording and using social media as a search engine instead of just Google will be more beneficial for me, since my country is fairly under-discussed. My plans for finding additional sources include looking at President Sanchez’s Twitter page and researching the links, as well as searching other prominent figures’ social media accounts for links to credible websites. Since it was difficult finding sources, especially in English, I believe this speaks loudly about the gap of attention, knowledge, and care in the global information society. This gap is a major barrier in the global information society because without knowledge of what is happening within other nations, how are we supposed to fix the problems preventing development and more importantly, equality?