Title: Rai News
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Visual/audio
Updated daily
How to access: http://www.rainews.it / Twitter @RaiNews
Description: This source is an Italian news channel and website that is known as the biggest news channel in Italy. It is in Italian, and it covers both national and international news, focusing more on national news stories. The source’s perspective has been considered to be geared more towards the conservative government, but its greatest strength would be that it covers such a wide array of topics. The biggest weakness would be its biased point of view, though it is not always inherently clear when reading the articles. This source is valuable to those wanting to learn more about Italy because since it is the biggest news source in Italy, those reading articles on this site can see a news source that citizens all over Italy use daily.
Title: La Repubblica
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Newspaper
Updated daily
How to access: http://www.repubblica.it / Twitter @repubblica
Description: This source is an Italian newspaper that is a very popular general-interest source based out of Rome. It has been around since 1976 and updates daily, with local editions in cities all over the country, such as Bari, Bologna, Florence, Genova, Milan, Naples, Palermo, Parma, and Torino. Their website focuses on both national and international news stories, and local stories in the local editions. This newspaper is known to lean left in their reports, and this bias is their biggest weakness. It is valuable for those wanting to learn about Italy because it not only gives national and international news from an Italian viewpoint, but it covers local stories as well.
Title: The Local.it
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Social media
Updated daily
How to access: https://www.thelocal.it / Twitter @TheLocalItaly
Description: This source is basically Italian news in English, including international news that specifically pertains to Italy. This website also has other countries it focuses on in Europe, and their goal is to be “a window on life in other cultures”. It is useful to have sources that are not in Italian or based in Italy because it gives an outside point of view on Italian issues, and when comparing to other Italian sources it is easy to see some of the differences on how these stories are portrayed.
Title: Corriere della Sera
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Newspaper
Updated daily
How to access: http://www.corriere.it/index.shtml?refresh_ce / Twitter @Corriere
Description: This source is an Italian newspaper that is one of the most well-known daily newspapers in Italy. It is in Italian, and has a moderate, pro-government standpoint. This source covers national news mostly, and focuses in on specific regions and even specific cities within those regions, giving a variety of stories from everywhere in Italy. This source is useful for those wishing to learn more about Italy because it gives more of a variety of stories and it even is in Italian, so if one is learning Italian it can be interesting to get the perspectives of different cities around the country while improving their reading skills.
Title: CIA World Factbook
Author: United States government
Type of source: Data
Updated sporadically
How to access: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/resources/the-world-factbook/geos/it.html
Description: This source is a government database in English that has information on all countries in the world, with specific data and facts on each of them. It is divided into different categories that help you identify what exactly you are looking for, ranging from geography to transnational issues. This source is more than likely at least a little bit biased because it is looking through the lens of the United States looking at other countries around the world. It can be a helpful source still because the actual facts, such as GDP, are correct and can help with just general learning about a country.
Title: Italy Chronicles
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: New media
Updated sporadically
How to access: http://italychronicles.com / Twitter @newsfromitaly
Description: This source is a pretty well-known blog that follows different news stories from Italy. It has been running since 2005 and the founder, Alex Roe, has been cited in the Italian press, has been cited in Wikipedia and the Huffington Post, and has also been a commentator on affairs in Italy on the Australian radio. This source is also useful in the sense that it is not based in Italy, with not only news stories but travel advice and stories as well.
Title: Il Sole 24 Ore
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Traditional
Updated daily
How to access: http://www.ilsole24ore.com/?refresh_ce=1 / Twitter @IlSole24ORE
Description: This source is a very well-known daily Italian newspaper that is located in Milan, in Northern Italy. This source has plenty of categories, including Italy (national and regional news), world news, and then it divides into specific categories such as finance or business. This source leans towards being conservative, but is not terribly biased in this way. It is a useful source for those wanting to learn about Italy because since it is such a well-known newspaper and covers different regions than some of the other sources I’ve listed, it gives a broader perspective into the lives of Italian citizens and how they get their news.
Title: Italian News Clicks
Author: Emmanuel College
Type of source: New media
Updated sporadically
How to access: http://italiannewsclicks.blogs.emmanuel.edu/
Description: This source is through Emmanuel College and is “an easy reader of selected clips from the Italian press designed to provide students, teachers, scholars, and lovers of Italian language and culture with a realistic and lively sampling of everyday life and, a friendly introduction to major Italian newspapers and columns”, according to the header. Since it is a sampling, it samples national news from around the country. It seems to be sporadic when updating, so it is not the best news source if one is looking for a daily or even weekly source for their Italian news, but it can be useful to see how people who are not from Italy (specifically Americans in this case) view Italian news and how they can portray their news even when they do not live there or experience it firsthand.
Title: The Italian Insider
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Social media
Updated daily
How to access: https://twitter.com/italianinsider1?lang=en / Twitter @ItalianInsider1
Description: This source is a Twitter account of a weekly printed newspaper that updates with stories about Italian affairs and the Mediterranean. This source is in English, and is written to provide an English version of the tabloid free press in various regions of Italy. Following the Twitter is a bit different than following a regular news source since there is not a specific way to find exactly something you’re looking for if you don’t search for it specifically in the Twitter itself. You can browse, but it is easier to use the search function. This source can help one learn more about Italy from a social media standpoint, as one can get an idea of how Twitter can be used as a news source.
Title: OECD Data
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Data
Updated sporadically
How to access: https://data.oecd.org/italy.htm and http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/economics/country-statistical-profile-italy_20752288-table-ita
Description: This source is more of a source for specifically data on Italy. It has many graphs and other graphics on different aspects of Italy, such as agriculture, development, and education. It is not clear how often this source is updated, but if I were to guess it would be at least annually to reflect the previous year’s statistics as well. It not only has graphs of these topics, but has graphics of rank, showing where Italy stands in relation to other countries around the world. This source can be helpful when learning about Italy because it gives more of a general overview of data based information.
Title: Italia News
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Visual/audio
Updated daily
How to access: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiT6hzoVYo26aXj4icVBgDw/featured
Description: This source is a YouTube channel with videos about political news in Italy, mostly national politics. It is mostly opinions of various citizens who run the channel, and it has garnered a large following, probably of people with like views as the people who post these videos. This source seems to be more biased because these people have similar points of view when they make their videos, but it can be helpful when trying to learn about Italy because of this source being biased. It helps one learn not to only trust one source.
Title: Gazzetta del Sud
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Newspaper
Updated daily
How to access: http://www.gazzettadelsud.it / Twitter @GazzettaDelSud
Description: This source is a pretty well-known Italian newspaper source that is not as widely used, because it focuses on Southern Italy. It not only covers national Italian stories, but specifically southern news, and even divides into the Southern Italian regions and focuses in on Sicily and Calabria. This source is one of the only sources that focuses on Southern Italy and these regions specifically, which again gives a broader perspective when learning about Italy and reading Italian news.
Title: Alguer.it
Author: Multiple authors
Type of source: Newspaper
Updated daily
How to access: http://alguer.it/ / Twitter @AlguerIT
Description: This newspaper source is a city specific source based out of Alghero in Sardinia, an island off the west coast of Italy that is considered part of the country. The name of this news source (Alguer) is the Catalan word for Alghero, though the website is completely in Italian. This source gives a very specific point of view from this city, and has other local editions from Cagliari, Sassari, Olbia, Nuoro, Oristano, and Porto Torres, which are all cities in Sardinia. This source can be useful when learning about Italy because it gives the perspective from the Sardinian island, when most of the news tends to be Northern Italy or Southern Italy. This is the only source on my list that specifically adheres to one region, and it is interesting to get that perspective.