Ministra vocera de Gobierno: “Bolivia no tiene derecho a mar ni territorio chileno”
Chilean Press Secretary: “Bolivia has no right to Chilean lands or waters. ”
This article examines the current international dispute between Chile and Bolivia regarding Bolivian attempts to bring to the negotiation table a compromise for Bolivian access to the pacific ocean. It is important to note that Chile and Bolivia have a very deep hatred for one another that spans since the early 19th century. One of the principal reasons for this hatred has been territorial disputes and wars that left Chile in control of the pacific coast. Adamant that Bolivia has the right to access the Pacific ocean, Bolivian President Evo Morales has brought forth a long list of arguments to be presented to the International Court of Justice in Holland in support of a Bolivian-Chilean compromise. The borders between Chile and Bolivia were last settled in a 1904 treaty that Chile believes to be in effect in perpetuity. In response to Bolivia’s wishes, Chilean Press Secretary Cecilia Pérez has made it clear that Chile will not recognize Bolivia’s claim to the Pacific. Pérez believes Chilean land and waters have never belonged to Bolivia and will thus never correspond to Bolivia now or in the future.
This article was published in the Mercurio newspaper, a national Chilean newspaper that is right wing and conservative. For this reason, there can be no surprise that the tone of this article is very nationalistic and Pro-Chile. Bolivia’s case for access to the Pacific Ocean is simply outlined as ludacris, with Bolivian President Evo Morales being depicted very negatively. International sources such as the Washington Post have given fairer coverage of this issue by presenting both sides of the story. In other words, Morales in an international sense is seen as brave and heroic, and has lauded applause from international leader such as Nicolás Maduro. Although Maduro is a heavily criticized figure, it is interesting to see how this issue is being analyzed within Chile and abroad.
S.A.P., Mercurio. “Ministra Vocera De Gobierno: ‘Bolivia No Tiene Derecho a Mar Ni Territorio Chileno.’” Emol, 23 Mar. 2018,
Chilean Press Secretary Cecilia Pérez