Cortei, sabato ad alta tensione. A Milano studenti sgomberati da monumento – Rai News
This article talks about protests that have occurred in the city center of Milan, where students who are protesting are being evicted from the city centers. Other cities that have been part of these protests include Rome and Pisa, where citizens hold signs that say “Mai piu’ fascismi” (no more fascism) and “Mai piu’ razzismi” (no more racism). These protests began after the racist shooting that occurred in Macerata by a far-right extremist named Luca Traini. He targeted six African migrants, and later it was found that he had a copy of Mein Kampf in his home. The mayor of Milan fears moments of tension following these protests, but the protesters feel as if it is necessary to further their cause.
This article begins by talking about Milan specifically and how protests began there, and continues to detail how the rest of the protests came about in other cities due to the same attack. It is a pretty basic and straightforward article and method of conveying the information, no graphs or fact sheets that are expanding on any information the article gives. The only addition is a slideshow of eight photos that depict the police force removing young people from one of the protests. It is interesting to also note that though the article talks mainly about these protests, it does not say what the outcome was or if they are resolved.
Works Cited:
“Giornata di cortei e manifestazioni. A Roma sfila l’Anpi, a Milano in piazza la Lega.” Rainews,