Short Assignments

Life on Earth

Life on Earth is a result of billions of years of evolution. Changes in the environment has driven evolutionary processes for eons. These adaptations ultimately result in changes in biodiversity, which has and will continue to impact life on Earth, including humans.

Nuclear Testing Legacy

The discovery of nuclear fission represents one of mankind’s greatest achievements. Great in terms of benefits to society (e.g., alternative energy production) and suffering to society (e.g., nu- clear weapons production). Albert Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc2, reminds us that even the smallest of elements can have tremendous consequences for both present and future generations on Earth.

Freshwater Resources

Freshwater is absolutely necessary for life on Earth and perhaps life on other planets. Its a natural resource that is often taken for granted in many developed countries, like the USA and China. Energy production, climate change, agricultural practices, urbanization and a growing population are forcing us to make difficult choices about the conservation and preservation of freshwater resources around the world.

White Nose Syndrome

Ecosystems are fully functional systems that are made up of abiotic components (e.g., carbon dioxide, oxygen, sunlight, water) and biotic components (i.e., individuals, populations, and communities). No organism exists in complete isolation. All life on Earth must interact with the environment and with other organisms. Impacts upon one population may influence another populations in a positive or negative way.