Irrigation (fertigation) is a key management technique in high quality strawberry production. However, there is much room to optimize the nutrient solution and its application. The following is information based on our study at the University of Arizona and at the Ohio State University and may not be directly applicable to your conditions.
Nutrient recipe. There is limited information available for nutrient solution designed for strawberry soilless cultivation. We have used two different Japanese strawberry nutrient solutions and the concentrations of major ions are shown in the following table. We combine these major nutrients with a commonly used minor nutrients (Jensen, unpublished). Compared to those solutions widely used for tomato and other greenhouse crops (EC = ~2.4 dS/m at the full strength), both strawberry solutions have much lower overall concentration (EC = ~1.0 dS/m at the full strength). Adding a small percent of nitrogen in NH4 form helps to minimize the increase of pH in the root zone. However, too high NH4 rate should be avoided for production, as plants become too vegetative (in fact, we use increased nitrogen with NH4 form for runner propagation).