Recent publications (last three years):
- Crick, J., Quatman, C., Hewitt, G., Salsberry, M., Juckett, L., & Quatman-Yates, C. (in press). Exploring the influence of hospital context on acute care physical therapy fall prevention practice: A qualitative study. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.
- Gharamani, S., Hoyt, C.R., L’Hotta, A., Harris, K., Thornton, K., Han, T., Lipsey, K., Juckett, L. A., & Geng, E. (in press). Education strategies are the most commonly used in pediatric rehabilitation implementation research: A scoping review. Implementation Science Communications.
- Thomas, K. S., Bernard, K. P., Clark, M., Dionne, L., Fisher, A., Gadbois, E., Harrison, J., Juckett, L., Locher, J., Risica, P., Sequeira, S., Theilheimer, & Gutman, R. Evaluating effects of meal delivery on the ability of homebound older adults to remain in the community via a pragmatic, two-arm, randomized comparative effectiveness trial: Study protocol for the Deliver-EE trial (2024). Trials, 25(1), 787.
- Juckett, L. A., Banhos, M., Howard, M. L., Walters, T., Horn, L. M., Kinney, A. R., & Wengerd, L. R. Bundling implementation strategies supports outcome measure adoption in stroke rehabilitation: Preliminary findings. (2024). Implementation Science Communications, 5(1), 102.
- Juckett, L. A., Owolabi, M., Gustavson, A. M., & Ifejika, N. (2024). Implementation science to advance health equity in stroke rehabilitation. Journal of the American Heart Association, 13(7), 1-6.
- *Ullal, A., *Tauseef, M., Watkins, A., Juckett, L. A., Maxwell, C. A., Tate, J., Mion, L. C., & Sarkar, N. An iterative participatory design approach to develop collaborative augmented reality activities for older adults in long-term care facilities. Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-21.
- Juckett, L. A., *Howard, M. L., Fields, B. E., Jarrott, S. E., Mion, L. C., & Thomas, K. S. (2024). Supporting mealtime participation among people living with dementia at home: Challenges and strategies for caregivers. The Gerontologist, 64(7), gnad167.
- Juckett, L. A., Nikahd, M., Hyer, J. M., Klaus, J. N., Rowe, M. L., Bunck, L. E., & Hariharan, G. (2024). Preliminary evaluation of home-delivered meals for reducing frailty in older adults at risk for malnutrition. Journal of Nutrition, Health, & Aging, 28(7).
- McNett, M., Tucker, S. J., Juckett, L. A., & Bunger, A. C. (2024). Advancing implementation practice: Supplemental tools to aid in selection of implementation strategies and outcomes for healthcare practitioners. Global Implementation Research and Applications. Advanced online publication.
- McGrath, S., Webber, K., *Howard, M. L., & Juckett, L. A. (2024). Implementation of a patient reported outcome measure: A quality improvement project. Journal for Healthcare Quality. Advanced online publication. 1097/JHQ.0000000000000434
- Hand, B. N., Gilmore, D., DeVassie, H., Longo, A., Juckett, L. A., Hanks, C., Havercamp, S., & Coury, D. (2024). Development of PREPARE for Autistic Adults: An adult autism training for resident physicians designed with autistic adults and family members. Autism in Adulthood. Advanced online publication.
- Juckett, L. A., Bernard, K. P., & Thomas, K. S. (2023). Partnering with social service staff to implement pragmatic clinical trials: An interim analysis of implementation strategies. Trials.
- Brill, S. B., Juckett, L. A., Gordon, R, D., Thomas, N., Bunger, A. C., Fareed, N., Voisin, C., Flores, P., Mao, S., Benninger, K. L., Grobman, W., Panchal, B., Gillespie, S., & Lorenz, A. (2023). Developing a multimodal maternal infant perinatal outpatient delivery system: The MOMI PODS program. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health, 4.
- Gabbard, J., Sadarangani, T. R., Datta, R., Fabius, C. D., Gettel, C. J., Douglas, N. F., Juckett, L. A., Kiselica, A. M., Murali, K. P., McCarthy, E. P., Torke A. M., & Callahan C. M. (2023). Career development in pragmatic clinical trials to improve care for people living with dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71, 3554-3565.
- Brill, S. B., Juckett, L. A., Chandler, E., Brown, J., Thomas, N., Flax, C., Miles, L., *Howard, M., Thung, S., & Mishkin, K. (2023). Implementing the Better Starts for All pilot mobile and telehealth intervention in Ohio Appalachia: Improving access to maternal healthcare. Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, 34, 1036–1049.
- *Crick, J., Salsberry, M., Juckett, L. A., Quatman, C., Quatman-Yates, C. C. (2023). Experience and hospital context influence fall prevention practice by physical therapists: A survey study. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 45, 191-199. 1097/JHQ.0000000000000382
- Kinney, A. R., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., Hoffberg, A. S., Middleton, A., Weaver, J. A., Roseen, E. J., Juckett, L. A., & Brenner, L. A. (2023). Barriers and facilitators to the adoption of evidence-based interventions for adults within occupational and physical therapy practice settings: A systematic review. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 104(7), 1132-1151.
- *Pisegna, J., Knebel, R., Juckett, L., Darragh, A., Nichols-Larsen, D. S., & Krok-Schoen, J. L. (2023). Occupational therapy for poststroke anxiety and depressive symptoms in inpatient rehabilitation. Occupational Therapy Journal of Research. Advanced online publication.
- *Crick, J. P. J., *Alain, G., Quatman, C., Juckett, L., & Quatman-Yates, C. C. (2023). Describing the Value of Physical Therapy in a Complex System Using the Socio-Ecological Model. Journal of Acute Care Physical Therapy, 14(1), 1-9.
- Juckett, L. A., *Oliver, H. V., Hariharan, G., Bunck, L. E., & Devier, A. L. (2023). Strategies for implementing the interRAI home care frailty scale with home-delivered meal clients. Frontiers in Public Health, 11.
- Gustavson, A., Vincenzo, J. L., Miller, M., Falvey, J., Lee, J., Fashaw-Walters, S. A., & Juckett, L. A. (2022). Equitable implementation of innovations to promote successful aging in place. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 71, 683-688.
- Juckett, L. A., Wengerd, L. R., Banhos, M., & Darragh, A. R. (2022). Conducting implementation research in stroke rehabilitation: A case example and considerations for study design. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 36(12), 770-776.
- Van Stan, J. H., Holmes, J., Wengerd, L., Juckett, L. A., Whyte, J., Pinto, S. M., Katz, L. W., & Wolfberg, J. (2022). Rehabilitation Treatment Specification System: Identifying barriers, facilitators, and strategies for implementation in research, education, and clinical care. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 104(4), 562-568.
- Juckett, L. A., Bunger, A. C., McNett, M. M., Robinson, M. L., & Tucker, S. J. (2022). Leveraging academic initiatives to advance implementation practice: A scoping review of capacity building interventions. Implementation Science, 17(1), 1–14.
- Juckett, L. A., Jarrott, S. E., Naar, J. J., *Scrivano, R. M., & Bunger, A. C. (2022). Implementing intergenerational best practices in community-based settings: A preliminary study. Health Promotion Practice, 23(3), 473–481.
- Juckett, L. A., Schmidt, E. K., Tanner, K. J., Sagester, G. R., Wengerd, L. R., Hunter, E. G., Lieberman, D., & Richardson, H. (2022). Development and refinement of the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Knowledge Translation Toolkit. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 76(3),
- Juckett, L. A., Hariharan, G., Dodonova, D. C., Klaus, J., Rowe, M., Burak, E., Mason, B., & Bunck, L. (2022). Implementing a community-based initiative to improve nutritional intake among home-delivered meal recipients. Nutrients, 14(5), 944.
- Juckett, L. A., Lee, K., Bunger, A. C., & Brostow, D. P. (2022). Implementing nutrition education in congregate dining settings: A scoping review. The Gerontologist, 62(2), e82-e96.
- Juckett, L. A., Bunck, L., & Thomas, K. S. (2022). The Older Americans Act 2020 reauthorization: Overcoming barriers to service and program implementation. Public Policy & Aging Report, 32(1), 25-30.
- Jarrott, S. E., Turner, S., Naar, J. J., Juckett, L. A., & *Scrivano, R. M. (2022). Increasing the power of intergenerational programs: Advancing an evaluation tool. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 41(3), 763-768.
*Student or mentee at time of manuscript development