For Health Care Providers

Hello Health Care Providers!

We are so excited that you want to learn more about joining us and helping to spread mental health awareness at your institution. Health care providers see a wide variety of patient populations based on the institution in which you work. 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. are diagnosed with a mental heath disorder (NAMI), so chances are you are going to encounter many of these individuals or you are already seeing them everyday.

We have designed a free educational module to help you better identify individuals who are in distress and need help. This educational module will include content on the following:

(1) recent statistics of mental illness, an introduction to mental health, and a description of our initiative;

(2) best practices and evidence for identifying people with mental illness, approaching/talking to someone about mental illness, overcoming barriers and challenges when helping someone in distress;

(3) best practices and evidence for triaging someone with mental illness, available help resources, and non-pharmacological treatments/therapies to help someone in distress.

To access the module, please follow these instructions:

1. Go to
2. Select “I Will Help You Initiative” from the course list.
3. Select “For Health Care Providers” from the list.
4. Select Create New Account if you are a new user or login with your existing account if you are a returning user. If you are registering as a new user you will receive an email with a confirmation link to verify you have used a valid email address. After receiving this e-mail, please click on the link to activate your account.
5. You will then be directed to a website and you will need to click on the button that says “Enroll Me.”
6. This should complete your enrollment into the course.


Please consider taking the pledge to solidify your commitment to helping those who may not be able to help themselves. 

We encourage you to share this with other health care professionals or throughout your institution!

Learn more about our initiative by exploring the rest of this page or at our various social media accounts!