Ramifications of the AP vs US case




As we approach the trial date, I’ve begun to consider the ramification of the case. What do I think is going to happen if the vote goes either way? I thought I would share my opinions on this with you all today.

Lets consider what will happen if the defense wins. What will happen if our privacy isn’t as important as National Security?

This would strike yet another blow against the American people and their protected information. It will be a sign that the NSA and PRISM have nothing to fear in regards to gathering and sharing our information. The information bank in Utah will be completed, and all of our private lives will be stored in a massive database for 5 years. Sitting ducks for whatever hacker has the skill to break through government control and get our information. Every phone call, every text, every email and every post will be filed away until the Government has some reason to use this information against us. It hasn’t happened yet, but it is inevitable.

Along with this, how many more countries will be added to the ever growing list of countries that have complete access to our information? When comes the day when a free American citizen will be exploited with their own information while visiting another country? It is one thing for our own Government to have our information, based on the claim that they will protect us. But Governments from other States do not have the obligation to protect us in any sense. What good will come of them having our information? If National Security wins in favor over privacy, the American people world wide lose as a result.


Now let’s consider the situation in which the Supreme Court votes in favor of our privacy. What will happen when we regain our rights to privacy as citizens of the United States?

First, we can expect the Government to take a closer look at PRISM and NSA activity and begin to regulate their control of information processing. We would hope that they are constrained to specific individuals or groups. If they still find it necessary to sweep everyone’s information, it needs to be destroyed immediately upon determining if it has anything to do with terrorism or National Security, which also should be an immediate process.

The sharing of information with other Countries should be stopped immediately as a result as well. It is an unsafe practice the American people do not support, and should be heavily regulated. End result: we should see several if not many amendments to the Patriot Act that will help protect our information, not steal and trade it.

How do you feel about this? What are your thoughts on these ramifications? I can only hope the Supreme Court sees in our favor as the American people. It is not time for our individual privacy to die.