
A Message from Dean Dr. Bernadette Melnyk

Dear Students,

When I came to Ohio State University College of Nursing twelve years ago, one of my dreams was to create a health promotion undergraduate major, the first of its kind anywhere in the United States. Here we are, several years later, with our fifth cohort entering their final year. I am so proud of you!

Your final year will be filled with many educational and practical experiences. Your practicum opportunities will provide you with “real world” skills that will allow you to move into your professional careers. The practicum sites Drs. Amaya and Gawlik have chosen will broaden your scope of practice, allow you a variety of responsibilities, and afford you the opportunity to work with diverse populations. It will be an unforgettable experience.

I wish you the best in your last year in the HW program. Remember to keeping dreaming, discovering and delivering.