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Do you want to make your life easier for classroom parties, parent volunteers, or any other classroom event. Well you have just not found Pbest friend!  SignUpGenius is so easy to use and now you no longer have to deal with all those papers.  SignUpGenius does all the work for you and makes signing more convenient for everyone.

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Educational Uses:

During student teaching we used this tool for parents to sign up for parent teacher conferences.  All of the parents were telling us how much better they liked scheduling their child’s conference online.  They could see which times were available right there instead of waiting to hear back from the teacher.  Also, if parents needed to cancel, SignUpGenius would notify the teacher.  The uses of this tool in the classroom are unlimited and everything can be kept private between the parents and teacher.  Each parent will not see everyone’s email address.

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Pros & Cons:

We used the free version, however, their are different versions that you can sign up for.  However, I did not find any reason to use the versions you had to pay for.  I can accomplish everything I need from the free version.

One of my favorite things about this tool is the ablity to set when you want to remind parents.  You can set up how many times you want to remind parents through email.


(n.d.). Retrieved from

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