Using Animoto in an Early Childhood Classroom!

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Have you ever thought about how you could spice things up in the classroom?  Well check out Animoto!  Animoto is a really awesome video creation service.  You can use pictures, video clips, words and music in your Animoto videos.  Animoto even has an educational site for teachers and students to use!  Think about how proud your students would be of the videos they create with Aminoto!  

To find Aminto go to  To view the education Aminto site go to  

When I think about using Animoto in the classroom, I think about how I could create videos to start my lessons.  We could create some really powerful videos using photographs.  For example, if were were reading a book about the civil rights movement, we could show maps of the underground railroad, photographs of homes people when to, people lighting lanterns to show where to go ect.  This would provide students some primary sources for students to think about and understand situations deeper than just reading or hearing about them.  

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RI. 2.3 Describe the connections between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or  steps in technical procedures in a text. 

SL. 2.5- Create audio recordings of stories or poems: add drawings or other visual displays to stories or recounts of experiences when appropriate to clarify ideas, thoughts and feelings. 

RI. 2.7- Explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text. 

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More uses in an early childhood classroom!

  • Create a video to show at open house to introduce your self parents and students

  • Create a video to promote classroom parties or classroom success.

  • Have students create videos at the end of a unit to show how they have put together all the information.

  • Share with parents what is happening in the classroom to place on a blog.

  • The uses for Animoto are endless!  

(n.d.). Retrieved from


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