I believe that the US should expand the size of the House of Representatives to give it more even apportionment. The current number of representatives, 435, and the fact that the difference in population between the least populated and most populated state is around a factor of 80, makes it hard to have a balanced allotment of representatives. If the House of Representatives expanded it’s number of members to a larger amount, to around 1,000 members, and representation was reallotted to the states, then the value of every citizens vote would be more even and fair.
Expanding the number of Representatives would lower the average population of congressional districts nationwide. The current average population is 710,000. Expanding the size of the body to 1,000 members would decrease the average population of each district to around 309,000 citizens per district. This would likely result in Wyoming having two districts and Montana having three or four. Decreasing the size of the districts would also give each representative smaller constituencies to represent, which would likely increase their involvement district wide, and incentivize them to vote with their conscience, as they would not be as politically motivated to vote to gain support of different parts of their base. It would also lower the barriers to entry for running for congress, hopefully resulting in a lower number of career politicians running for congress, and encouraging more “average Joe” types with deeper roots in their communities to seek election. With more elections to spread their limited resources across, the Republican and Democratic parties might also lose some of their grip on the arena of politics, which they currently have in a stranglehold. Expansion would encourage a more diverse set of ideas to reach Washington.
If this expansion were to occur, it would likely require a constitutional amendment to provide the necessary mandate for such a significant change. In addition, the Capitol building would likely not be sufficient to accommodate the new members of Congress. A new building would likely be required, and for the first time since 1800, the permanent meeting place of our congress would be moved. These represent some of the most obvious and daunting obstacles to enacting such a large scale change as this. As such, whether this change would be feasible in a political sense is a more nuanced question. In theory, this idea could solve a lot of the problems present in our current system. But a lot of the problems in our current system benefit those who hold the power to make change in our current system, thus creating a conflict of interest which practically ensures that the status quo will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. It would likely require a large scale social movement in which regular Americans, regardless of political affiliation, see this change as the just thing to do to ensure a more evenly representative congress, and a more robust form of democracy.
Author: hurd.115
Welcome to my Honors & Scholars e-Portfolio
[The Home Page will show a running blog of your recent posts, which are categorized and show on that category’s page. Please delete this post or edit with your own information.]
Year in Review
[ “Year in Review” is where you should reflect on the past year and show how you have evolved as a person and as a student. You may want to focus on your growth in a particular area (as a leader, scholar, researcher, etc.) or you may want to talk about your overall experience over the past year. For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
My Goals:
Global Awareness – I plan on studying abroad in Central Europe during my time at OSU.
Original Inquiry – I’d like to participate in research in Economics or Political Science before I graduate.
Academic Enrichment – I hope to attain at least a B+ grade point average during my time in college.
Leadership Development – By graduation, I aim to hold a leadership position in a student organization.
Service Engagement – I’d like to help those who cannot afford legal representation or who lack access to legal services in the Columbus area.
[“Career” is where you can collect information about your experiences and skills that will apply to your future career. Like your resume, this is information that will evolve over time and should be continually updated. For more guidance on using your ePortfolio, including questions and prompts that will help you get started, please visit the Honors & Scholars ePortfolio course in Carmen. To get answers to specific questions, please email eportfolio@osu.edu. Delete these instructions and add your own post.]
This picture was taken at the 2018 Massachusetts DECA Career Development Conference, where I earned first place in my category of Retail Merchandising Series. In this category, I was given 10 minutes to read and come up with a solution for a scenario involving a difficulty a retail establishment was facing, and then 10 more minutes to present my solution to a judge. I qualified for nationals, and visiting Atlanta for ICDC was a very valuable experience in my high school career. Through DECA, I learned how to engineer practical business solutions with innovative thinking. Throughout my tenure in DECA I also earned top 10 finishes in the categories of Entreprenuership Written, International Business Plan, and Start-Up Business Plan. DECA has encouraged me to consider careers in business, and opened my mind to both the challenges and rewards in starting and running my own business.
Peer Mentor Interview: Patrick Finn
I had to pleasure to meet and interview one of my assigned PSL peer mentors, Patrick Finn. Patrick is a Junior at OSU, and is a PSL member as well as a cadet in the Army ROTC. He is a Political Science major, and lives off campus. I asked him what he plans to do in the military after his time at OSU, and he told me of his intentions to become at Judge Advocate in the military, essentially a military attorney. He was unsure whether this will end up happening, however, but he feels that his background in PSL and an internship at the US Attorney’s Office give him a solid background that will be beneficial in achieving this goal of his. He credits PSL with helping him secure this internship. Aside from the tangible benefits given by this connection from PSL, he says his favorite part about the program has been social group activities with his mentor group in years past.
About Me
Hi there! Thanks for visiting my ePortfolio. I‘m Jack Hurd, a first year student at The Ohio State University. I am a double major in Political Science and Economics, and I am on the Pre-Law track. I am a member of the Politics, Society, and Law Scholars cohort here at OSU. My interests include the fields of classical and experimental economics, law, as well as entreprenuership and innovation in the marketplace. I am also a musician, and love playing guitar in my free time. In high school, I was a 4 year state finalist in Massachusetts DECA, including 4 top 10 finishes and a trip to Atlanta for the 2018 ICDC. I am looking forward to all the opportunities that await me during my next four years in Columbus.