Learning through Puppetry

talking with puppets

There are 6 total Barefoot puppeteers who travel internationally performing their shows for various audiences. Their shows are able to teach illiterate people about social and political issues, as well as environmental stewardship. Ramniwas Ji in the blue and Sudama Ma Ji in the white are two of the puppeteers who strive to teach people lessons through their shows, but they did not start in this profession. Ramniwas Ji was approached by Bunker Roy to work in communications for Barefoot. Ramniwas Ji didn’t believe that he could because he wasn’t into theater or radio. Bunker Roy asked, what do you do in your village, you’re a communicator, you like to speak, you like to sing! Ramniwas Ji believes Barefoot is “where hobbies become professions”.

Barefoot is also a place where everyone is equal in all senses including caste and gender. Ramniwas Ji, an untouchable, and Sudama Ma Ji who used to a priest, one of the highest people in the caste system, are now friends. They work together, laugh together, and learn from each other. This relationship would not be possible outside of the walls of Barefoot and both men are grateful to know each other and work alongside each other teaching such powerful messages to various communities.

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