HRAction (HRA) Information

Have you ever needed to submit a HRA and didn’t know which radio button to use?  You no longer have to wonder!  Below is a list of each radio button with a brief description to assist you in selecting the correct radio button which will ensure accurate and timely processing of your transaction.

HRA Type HRA Description
Hire A candidate has been identified.  Includes all new hires, rehires, transfers within the university/college, and additional/concurrent appointments.
Termination Used to terminate all faculty, staff and students.  Includes resignations, retirements and involuntary terminations.
Pay Additional Compensation Used to initiate payments outside of the annual salary for faculty, staff and students.  Includes cell phone allowances, taxable reimbursements and one-time bonuses.
Change Rate of Pay Includes all equity/market and performance adjustments as well as student pay increases.
Change Funding Source Temporary and permanent chartfield/job earnings distribution change.  Includes current/future funding changes as well as retroactive changes.
Change Number of Hours Worked Per Week Changes from full-time to part-time and vice versa; standard hour changes.
Update Job Duties/Responsibilities Includes reclassifications, promotions, working title changes, job duties/description changes, reports to changes, department changes and building location changes.
Change Other Employee Data Includes leave/timesheet approver, address, phone and service dates
Fill Existing Position Used when ready to advertise or recruit for an existing position. Position description, job duties, responsibilities and requirements may need to be updated.
Create New Position Used when a position does not exist; create a new position to fulfill certain duties/responsibilities; positon would then ready to advertise/recruit.
Other Used to initiate any HR action that is not described above

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