Minimum Wage Increase Change
- Please remember, on January 1, 2015, Ohio’s minimum wage increased from $7.95 to $8.10. Be mindful of this increase when initiating HRA to hire hourly employees. If you have any questions, please contact your HR Generalist.
Conflict of Interest and Work Outside the University
- Ohio State University employees are expected to devote their time at work to functions of the university. If an employee does engage in external work, this work should not interfere with his/her duties and responsibilities to the university, or create a conflict of interest with their assigned university tasks. If a staff person would like to pursue external work that may present a potential conflict of interest or ethical concern, he/she must complete the Staff External Work Reporting Form prior to beginning this work. To access the form and more information on the policy, click here.
Vacation Leave and Anniversary Dates
- If you have vacation time you want to use before your anniversary date or retirement, it’s important to have your leave request submitted and approved before the university’s payroll/eLeave deadline. For monthly paid employees, please be sure to have your leave request submitted by approximately the 10th of the month of your anniversary date or retirement. You have until the end of that month to use the vacation time you’ve requested. For employees who are paid bi-weekly, please have your vacation request submitted within the two-week pay period in which your anniversary date falls. You have until the end of that pay period to use the vacation time you’ve requested. Vacation leave accrued in excess of the maximum carryover will be lost at the end of the month or pay period in which an employee’s anniversary date occurs each year. To view the university’s paid leave policy, please click here. Contact your HR Generalist if you have any questions about your anniversary date and vacation leave.