The CTT Board meets every other month to coordinate the CTT working groups and to serve as a collaborative body with outside hospitals engaged in the Courage to Teach faculty recognition process.
Courage to Teach Board of Directors
David Bahner, Tech Chair, MT
Dan Clinchot, Ex-offiicio
Camilla Curren, MT
Robert DePhilip, MT
Pat Ecklar, MD, MACP, MT, Past Chair
Mary Beth Fontana, MT
Charles Hitchcock, MT
Sorabh Khandelwal, MT
Jack Kopechek, MT
Cynthia Kreger, MT
John Mahan, NCH, Past Chair
Bryan Martin, GME
William Marshall, New Physician
Mary McIlroy, NCH, MT
Robin Newburn, DO, Heritage COM
Sheryl Pfeil, Chair, MT
Scott Rogers, MD, Ohio University
Charles Sanders, Mt. Carmel Emeritus
Jonathan Schaffir, MD, MT, Past Chair
Matthew Skomorowski, Private Practice
Alan Steginsky, MD, MT, Private Practice
Linda Stone, MD, MT, Founder, Past Chair
Robert L. Stone, MD, Private Practice
Sara Sukalich, Ohio Health
Paul Weber, MT
Alan Gora, Mt. Carmel
Ruth Ackah, Resident/Fellow
Teresa Holt, MD, FAAFP, Grant Medical Center/OhioHealth
Timothy P. Graham, MD, MHPE, FAAFP, Mount Carmel
COM/HiM Support Staff: Mike Horgan
*MT = Master Teacher
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