Photo Gallery

To see the full galleries of the events below please go to

Art of Analysis:

Students viewing a painting in an art gallery.Medical students and faculty observing a painting at the Columbus Museum of Art.Med students discussing a painting in an art gallery.

Voice Box presented by Opera Columbus

an opera singers vocal chord projected on the overhead screen in a classroom.

An opera singer performing.

Artists Among Us with College of Medicine Learning Specialist Kim Doran – The Culinary Arts

Med students cooking with an instructor

Ether Arts Release Party and Open Mic

Two performers, one with a guitar speaking to the crowd.

Copies of the Ether Arts magazine laying on a table.
Medicine & the Arts Art Show

Dr. Pfeil speaking with art show guests.

Dean Bradford with Art Show ribbon winners

The Professional School Orchestra

The Professional School Orchestra performingThe crown interacting with the orchestra during Carmen Ohio.

Pop vs. Opera presented by Opera Columbus

Two opera singers performing in the lecture hall.

Two opera singers performing in the lecture hall.