Alternatively, see Dr. Hull’s Google Scholar or Publons/Web of Science pages. (*indicates mentee)
- Knight, D.G.; Hull, N.M. and IUVA UV LED Task Force (2023). Considerations for determining the performance of UV LED fluid disinfection systems. Water Environment Research doi: 10.1002/wer.10947.
- Bohrerova Z.; Brinkman, N.E.; Chakravarti, R.; Chattopadhyay S.; Faith, S.A.; Garland, J.; Herrin, J.; Hull, N.; Jahne, M.; Kang, D.; Keely, S.P.; Lee, J.; Lemeshow, S.; Lenhart, J.; Lytmer, E.; Malgave, D.; Miao, L.; Minard-Smith, A.; Mou, X.; Nagarkar, M.; Quintero, A.; Savona, F.D.R.; Senko, J.; Slonczewski, J.L.; Spurbeck, R.R.; Sovic, M.G.; Taylor, R.T.; Weavers, L.K.; Weir, M. (2023). Ohio Coronavirus Wastewater Monitoring Network: implementation of statewide monitoring for protecting public health. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001783.
- Mattos, K.J.; Hull, N.M.; Linden, K.G.; and Dotson, A.D. (2023). A Pilot Household Greywater Treatment and Reuse System Produces High-Quality Water under Simulated Household Illness Test Conditions. ACS ES&T Water doi: 10.1021/acsestwater.3c00331.
- Ma, D.*; McDonald, D.*; Hull, N.M. (2023). Photorepair Fluence Response Protocol doi: 10.17504/
- Ma, D.*; Hull, N.M. (2023). Polychromatic UV Fluence (Dose) Response Determination. doi: 10.17504/
- Acarturk, C.*; Sandalci, I.; Hull, N.M.; Bundur Z.B.; Burris, L.E. (2023). Calcium sulfoaluminate cement and supplementary cementitious materials-containing binders in self-healing systems. Cement and Concrete Composites doi: 10.1016/j.cemconcomp.2023.105115.
- Klever A.M.; Alexander, K.; Almeida, D.; Anderson, M.Z.; Ball, R.L.; Beamer, G.; Boggiatto, P.; Buikstra, J.E.; Chandler, B.; Claeys, T.A.; Concha, A.E.; Converse, P.J.; Derbyshire, K.M.; Dobos, K.M.; Dupnik, K.M.; Endsley, J.J.; Endsley, M.A.; Fennelly, K.; Franco-Paredes, C.; Hagge, D.A.; Hall-Stoodley, L.; Hayes Jr, D.; Hirschfeld, T.K.; Hofman, C.A.; Honda, J.R.; Hull, N.M.; Kramnik, I.; Lacourciere, K.; Lahiri, R.; Lamont, E.A.; Larsen, M.H.; Lemaire, T.; Lesellier, S.; Lee, N.R.; Lowry, C.A.; Mahfooz, N.S.; McMichael, T.M.; Merling, M.R.; Miller, M.A.; Nagajyothi, J.F.; Nelson, E.; Nuermberger, E.L.; Pena, M.T.; Perea, C.; Podell, B.K.; Pyle, C.J.; Quinn, F.D.; Rajaram, M.V.S.; Mejia, O.R.; Rothoff, M.; Sago, S.A.; Salvador, L.C.M.; Simonson, A.W.; Spencer, J.S.; Sreevatsan, S.; Subbian, S.; Sunstrum, J.; Tobin, D.M.; Vijayan, K.K.V.; Wright, C.T.O.; Robinson, R.T. (2023). The Many Hosts of Mycobacteria 9 (MHM9): A conference report. Tuberculosis doi: 10.1016/
- Ma, D.*; Weir, M.; Hull N.M. (2023). Fluence-based QMRA model for bacterial photorepair and regrowth in drinking water after decentralized UV disinfection. Water Research doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2023.119612.
- Robinson, R.T.; Mahfooz, N.; Rosas-Mejia, O.; Liu, Y.*; Hull N.M. (2022). SARS-CoV-2 disinfection in aqueous solution by UV222 from a krypton chlorine excilamp. Scientific Reports doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-18385-4. Also posted to medRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.02.19.21252101.
- Davis, A.; Keely, S.P.; Brinkman, N.E.; Bohrer, Z.; Ai, Y.; Mou, X.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Hershey, O.; Senko, J.; Hull, N.M.; Lytmer, E.; Quintero, A.; Lee J. (2023). Evaluation of intra-and inter-lab variability in quantifying SARS-CoV-2 in a state-wide wastewater monitoring network. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology doi: 10.1039/D2EW00737A.
- Lu, E.; Ai, Y.; Davis, A.; Straathof, J.*; Halloran, K.; Hull, N. M.; Winston, R.; Weir, M.; Soller, J.; Bohrerova, Z.; Oglesbee, M.; Lee, J. (2022). Wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in dormitories as a part of comprehensive university campus COVID-19 monitoring. Environmental Research doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.113580.
- Ma, D.T.*; Straathof, J.A.*; Liu, Y.*; Hull, N.M. (2022). Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater with RT-qPCR and chip-based RT-dPCR: sewershed-level trends and relationships to COVID-19. Environmental Science and Technology Water Special Issue ‘Wastewater Surveillance and Community Pathogen Detection’ doi: 10.1021/acsestwater.2c00055.
- Nastasi, N.; Renninger, N.; Bope, A.; Cochran, S. J.; Greaves, J.; Haines, S. R.; Balasubrahmaniam, N.; Stuart, K.; Panescu, J.; Bibby, K.; Hull, N. M.; Dannemiller, K. C. (2022). Persistence of viable MS2 and Phi6 bacteriophages on carpet and dust. Indoor Air doi: 10.1111/ina.12969. Note: this manuscript was featured on the back cover of the journal. Also posted to bioRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.05.17.444479.
- Beck, S. E.; Suwan, P.; Rathnayeke, T.; Nguyen, T. M. H.; Huanambal-Sovero, V. A.; Boonyapalanant, B.; Hull, N. M.; Koottatep, T. (2021). Woven-Fiber Microfiltration (WFMF) and Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes (UV LEDs) for Treating Wastewater and Septic Tank Effluent. Water doi: 10.3390/w13111564.
- Hull, N.M.; Linden, K. (2021). On applicability of a cell proliferation assay to examine DNA concentration of UV- and chlorine-treated organisms – a rebuttal of Molina et al. (2019). Management of Biological Invasions doi: 10.3391/mbi.2021.12.2.02.
- Renninger, N.; Nastasi, N.; Bope, A.; Cochran, S.; Haines, S.; Balasubrahmaniam, N.; Stuart, K.; Bivins, A.; Bibby, K.; Hull, N. M.; Dannemiller K. C. (2021). Indoor dust as a matrix for surveillance of COVID-19. mSystems doi: 10.1128/mSystems.01350-20. Also posted medRxiv doi: 10.1101/2021.01.06.21249342.
- Vinge, S.; Rosenblum, J.; Linden, Y.; Saenz, A.; Hull, N.M.; Linden, K. (2021). Assessment of UV Disinfection and Advanced Oxidation Processes for Treatment and Reuse of Hydraulic Fracturing Produced Water. ACS ES&T Engineering doi: 10.1021/acsestengg.0c00170.
- Hull, N.M. (2020). AWWA Water Science Author Spotlight – Natalie Hull. Journal American Water Works Association doi: 10.1002/awwa.1459. Note: not peer reviewed.
- Claeys, T.A.; Rosas Mejia, O.; Marshall, S.; Jarzembowski, J.A.; Hayes, D.; Hull, N.M. Liyanage, N.; Chun, R.; Sulman, C.; Huppler, A; Robinson, R. (2019). Attenuation of Helper T Cell Capacity for TH1 and TH17 Differentiation in Children with Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiz371.
- Hull, N.M.; Herold, W.H.*; Linden, K.G. (2019). UV LED Water Disinfection: Validation and Small System Demonstration Study. American Water Works Association Water Science doi: 10.1002/aws2.1148
- Linden, K.G.; Hull, N.M.; Speight, V. (2019). Thinking Outside the Treatment Plant: UV for Water Distribution System Disinfection. Accounts of Chemical Research doi: 10.1021/acs.accounts.9b00060.
- Hull, N.M.; Ling, F.; Pinto, A.J.; Albertsen, M.; Jang, H.G.; Hong, P.Y.; Konstantinidis, K.T.; LeChevallier, M.; Colwell, R.; Liu, W-T. (2019). Drinking Water Microbiome Project: Is it Time? Trends in Microbiology doi: 10.1016/j.tim.2019.03.011.
- Hull, N.M.; Rosenblum, J.S.; Robertson, C.E.; Harris, J.K.; Linden, K.G. (2018). Succession of Toxicity and Microbiota in Hydraulic Fracturing Flowback and Produced Water in the Denver–Julesburg Basin. Science of the Total Environment doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.06.067.
- Hull, N.M.; Linden, K.G. (2018). Synergy of MS2 Disinfection by Sequential Exposure to Tailored UV Wavelengths. Water Research doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2018.06.017.
- Beck, S.E.; Hull, N.M.; Poepping, C.; Linden, K.G. (2018). Wavelength-Dependent Damage to Adenoviral Proteins Across the Germicidal UV Spectrum. Environmental Science and Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.7b04602.
- Hull, N.M.; Holinger, E.P.; Ross, K.A.; Robertson, C.E.; Harris, J.K.; Stevens, M.J.; Pace, N.R. (2017). Longitudinal and Source-to-Tap New Orleans, LA, U.S.A. Drinking Water Microbiology. Environmental Science and Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b06064.
- Hull, N.M.; Isola, M.R.*; Petri, B.; Chan, P.S.; Linden, K.G. (2017). Algal DNA Repair Kinetics Support Culture-based Enumeration for Validation of Ultraviolet Disinfection Ballast Water Treatment Systems. Environmental Science and Technology Letters doi: 10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00076.
- Stanish, L.F.; Hull, N.M.; Robertson, C.E.; Harris, J.K.; Stevens, M.J.; Spear, J.R.; Pace, N.R. (2016). Factors Influencing Bacterial Diversity and Community Composition in Municipal Drinking Waters in the Ohio River Basin, USA. PLoS One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157966.
- Handorean, A.; Robertson, C.E.; Harris, J.K.; Frank, D.; Hull, N.; Kotter, C; Stevens, M.J.; Baumgardner, D.; Pace, N.R.; Hernandez, M. (2015). Microbial Aerosol Liberation from Soiled Textiles Isolated During Routine Residuals Handling in a Modern Health Care Setting. Microbiome doi: 10.1186/s40168-015-0132-3.
- Linden, K.G.; Hull, N.M.; Rodriguez, R.A. (2015). Comment on “UV Disinfection Induces a VBNC State in Escherichia Coli and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa“. Environmental Science and Technology doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02534.
- Hull, N.M.; Reens, A.L.; Robertson, C.E.; Stanish, L.F.; Harris, J.K.; Stevens, M.J.; Frank, D.; Kotter, C.; Pace, N.R. (2015). Molecular Analysis of Single Room Humidifier Bacteriology. Water Research doi: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.11.024.