Learning Technologies

Technology 1: Study Scheduler

Study Scheduler is an app that users can download on their smartphones. The technology can help me set goals and plans ahead. It also allows me to monitor the progress of my study. One benefit of this scheduler is that it sends users a notification to remind them what to learn and how much they have leant. However, it reminds only once for each task. Users might miss those notifications easily. Also, the app sets limitations on the task’s name. This is frustrating when users want to schedule tasks with complex and multiple contents.

Technology 2: Trello

The second technology I would like to recommend is Trello. I found it very beneficial to my learning experiences. What I liked about this tool is that first, it is web-based. This means that users don’t need to worry about the requirement for devices. They can check the status of their work and their upcoming plan anytime, anywhere and on any device. Users can also use different colors to differentiate the importance and categories of different tasks. However, because the technology is web-based, users can’t receive notifications like what the study scheduler does. Therefore, this is a good technology to check tasks and make plans. It might be even better if it can track the learning status.

Technology 3: Notability

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I use this app frequently to take notes during classes. Notability is a note-taking app that is available on App Store. It is easy to use and is compatible with Apple Pencil. Notability supports voice record and allows users to display two separate notes at the same time. It is a great tool when users want to review notes and compare works. The checklist in Notability also helps users to target the progress of the completion of their tasks. However, users can’t delete multiple notes quickly and it also provides no auto shapes.