
Learning strategies for online courses

My advice towards online learners is to get to know your classmates and professors. It makes it much easier to ask questions and get answers when you have someone to network with. Also, do not think that just because a class is online, it will be easier. Often times, online classes require more work than regular classes because the face to face time is not put in. Planning your workload ahead of time will save you the stress of procrastination and also leave you time to ask questions if needed.

3 best lessons taken from this course

The three best takeaways from this course were the tips on collaboration, finding credible resources, and motivation/time management. These three components are difficult enough in a regular classroom setting, but require extra effort in online courses. These were areas I have struggled with in the past, but have since gained new tips to use moving forward. I know that in group collaborations I cannot wait for my other group members to initiate communication/plans, I’m aware of the correct ways to google search for the sources I want, and I know that motivation starts within yourself and beginning your work.

Here is my thought process on group collaboration:

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