The Ohio State University: College of Medicine


Welcome to the team!

we are hrs logoThe professions in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences represent more than 75% of all healthcare jobs. Everyone in our school is an important member of the healthcare team.  During your time with us we hope to connect you with faculty, preceptors, advisors, and your fellow students to establish the communication and community building skills necessary to form not only teams of experts, but expert teams.

Agenda for Welcome Day August 21, 2023

  • Welcome and remarks from HRS Leadership
  • Group activities for interprofessional teamwork
  • Walk to Phyllis Jones Legacy Park
  • HRS CARES Planting activity

View the slides for today’s event.

Walking directions from Independence Hall to Phyllis Jones Legacy Park

Note- take Neil Ave south to 10th avenue, as pedestrian paths through the dental clinics are currently closed.

Future Welcome Day Dates

  • Monday, August 19, 2024
  • Monday, August 25, 2025
  • Monday, August 24, 2026