
Final Reflection Post

I always thought that I was pretty “tech savvy”, but it was not until this course that I realized I truly had so much more to learn. In this course, I have learned that the internet is a vast place and there are hundreds and hundreds of tools that are accessible and can greatly help you succeed. Having trouble in a specific topic? There’s a site for that. Having trouble studying? There’s a site for that. Having trouble managing your time? Yes, there is even a site for that. I could go on and on with the amount of tools at our disposal.

Individually, I have learned that I have plenty of room to grow in the classroom and as a person, This course has really helped me confront my problems of procrastination. In the past, I may have waited until late Sunday night to finally submit this blog post! However, I now leave plenty of time for myself to complete topics and I am a better person for it. More importantly, I am a less stressed person now. I have also learned to accept the fact that I cannot do everything on my own. The internet is a great tool and is always willing to help out if I just accept that.

My most meaningful experience in the course was comparing the initial assessments on time management and procrastination with the final assessments. Though it may seem that this is not meaningful, it was to me because I could see first hand that I have improved in these areas. Personal growth is always meaningful. Especially when it is in favor of positive growth!

Most importantly, I feel that this course will be applied many times in my future. Studying will never be the same. I now realize all of the helpful sites that are out there to help me succeed in almost any topic. The internet has many reliable sources that teach through repetion, examples, videos, pictures, charts, and nearly every method imagineable. Furthermore, organization in my life will be much more key than it had been in the past. This course helped me realize that studying is only meaningful if you actually make the time for yourself to actually study! In this stressful world, it is extremely important to organize and prioritize. Since following through with these methods, I have noticed much less stress in my life. In addition, procrastination and time management will go hand in hand. Clearly procrastination has a huge effect on time management. As far as my professional life goes, I feel that this course will help propel me through college and make me a reliable employee. All employers look for the qualities in a worker that this class stressed. Also, the online strategies I have learned to help get me through college will also come in handy in the workplace. The web is a great way to communicate and spread ideas as well as get organized.  Lastly, if I someday find myself in the chair of the employer, I will be sure to spread these methods and look for them in future employees.

Module 6: Searching and Researching

The year is 2014, of course everyone has used google to search something. I can assure every reader that we have all had trouble finding the right result at some point, and also that we all have found too many results at some point. I know I’m not the only one who received 999,000,000 results to search through at some point. So I suppose the only real question is : how many of us can actually use google effectively?

Google is a great search engine. You can find information about almost anything you want. After years of using google and plenty of long hours of search, I have finally found some tips and tricks to help make the internet an easier place. Firstly, it is important to only include the keywords of a web search. It is unnecessary to include words like “the” or “and”. Next, advanced search is a great way to narrow own results. For example, if you are researching a very broad topic with broad keywords, you may want google to only show results in which the “keywords appear only in this order”.

Lastly, how can you bring these skills to the place of employment? Well that is easy! These skills are extremely important when on the job because it saves time! No boss wants an employee that takes an hour to research simple research questions. Be the person that is quick and efficient for your boss! Remember these tips the next time you are on google!

Module 5: Web Enhanced Listening and Learning

To the dismay of many employees, note taking does not end with high school or college, it usually continues into the workplace. Whether an employee needs to take notes for their own personal project, from a company textbook, a presentation, or a meeting, it is a key skill to have. In addition to gaining the motivation to actually take the notes themselves, one must be able to take notes effectively for them to have any use.

The most common note taking strategy is the skeleton technique which involves writing main ideas and supporting information underneath these main ideas. This is a great way to take notes however there are many more methods to choose from. Many people who are good with understanding concepts can get away with the vocabulary technique in which they write key words and the definitions to go with them. The final method I feel is effective is the mind map technique in which one takes ideas and includes arrows and bubbles to “walk their mind through” the correct thought process for a subject.

Though the advice thus far has been mostly for those taking the notes, I also encourage those that are lecturing to keep in mind that everyone’s mind works differently. To get through to the entire audience it is important to not only speak but to provide visuals, diagrams, and even videos.

Note taking is an extremely valuable skill, I hope these tips help you in the future!

This video is a helpful video on how to multiply big numbers fast. The video provides step by step instructions on how to perform this function. In order to correctly calculate, one must follow the multiplying pattern inferred with the dots to the right. These x patterns are key to multiplying these big numbers correctly. After multiplying position 1 and 2, you must follow the pattern and add the products at each step to decipher each digit of the answer.

I feel this videos enhances learning on multiplying big numbers because it provides a new look at a way to do it faster. Most of us know how to multiply the old fashioned way but this is a new twist. Furthermore, I feel the video was very effective because the speaker is clear, has a visual aid, and most importantly walks the student through each step of the problem in multiple examples.


Translating Web-enhanced Reading and Study Strategies to the Work Force

It is no secret that effective reading and learning takes strategy and practice, but many fail to realize that these skills can still be used long after the graduation gown has been hung up in the closet. Being a good employee is much like being a good student. Though employee’s may no longer be required to study for a test or read over notes, these skills are still very important. At some point or another, most people have learned to take notes in order to sum up key points in a text book. This skill, for example, can be and should be used during business meetings. Whether you are brainstorming one on one with another employee, listening to a company speech, or in a meeting with other employees, taking notes is an important way to remember key points. In the work force it may be tough to carry pencil and notebook with you everywhere you go so I would suggest a small notepad. Furthermore, preparing yourself to take these notes effectively is just as important as actually taking the notes themselves! One must remove all distractions and listen closely. It is quite hard to pay attention and summarize key points when you are talking to a coworker about weekend plans through the speech! Additionally, a great tip is to put the cell phone away during these times. Texts, calls, emails, and games can all wait!

We have all been students at sometime or another so remember to continue to use the skills that you learned as a student to enhance your image as an empolyee in the real world!


-Michael Hozan

Communicating and Collaborating on the Web: An Employer’s Guide!

Being the boss isn’t always an easy job. Many employer’s may find themselves thinking “I have to many employees to communicate properly”, or “How can I keep all of my employees in check?”. Luckily the world wide web is here to offer help. The web offers an easy way to get through to many people all at once. By 2014 it is no secret that emailing is a quick and easy way to communicate. Many employers use email to notify their workers of new tasks daily, however, remember that just because you are contacting over a computer, it does not mean you must sound like an emotionless robot. Remember to be sympathetic and understanding in emails. Furthermore use proper punctuation and spelling to avoid miscommunication. Email is a great way to get people excited and to have one on one communication. Additionally, blogging is a great way to reach a large audience. When broadcasting to  employees, it is important to show some personality and a blog is a great way to do this. A blog can be used to discuss business but using it to show a personal side could have very positive results. Use it to discuss past vacations, share recipes, or even tell a few jokes! The web is a great way to connect to people. Remember to stay vibrant in emails and don’t be scared to be personable through blogs!

Hozan’s Hiring Hints

In order to self-evaluate yourself as a prospective employee, I feel it is important to put yourself in the shoes of the employer. One must think to themselves, “What kind of person would I hire?”. Whenever I ponder this question I find that I almost always envision the perfect employee as a self disciplined, hardworking and accountable individual. I find that the person that fits this template is almost always a competitive athlete in an individual sport. Now don’t take this the wrong way, I am not saying non-athletes or team oriented athletes are not responsible hardworking people. Individual sports promote self discipline and accountability; when you fail in an individual sport, there is no teammate to blame, all responsibility is on that individuals shoulders. In turn, I feel that this encourages these athletes to become harder working people in general. A perfect employee is somebody that can finish a job by whatever means, without pointing the finger at others for their shortcomings. Employers want somebody that they can depend on, somebody that they know will get the job done no matter what. If you are in search of a job and would like to boost your resumé, an individual sport is a good place to start! Good luck and god bless!

Michael Hozan