Click here to review my current Resume!
- At this point in time I have not completed any internship or research opportunities, however I am excited to announce that I have accepted an IT internship with MTDProducts for this summer, 2019, and cannot wait to find out how much I will learn and how I will grow from this amazing opportunity!
- In regards to projects, I have recently participated in HackOHI/O as mentioned in my second year artifacts, a semester long AEV project within the college of Engineering, and have plans to participate in this year’s DataFest as well!
- During HackOHI/O, my team spent our time building an app with Swift that provides “scores” and data to clients based on their reliability of paying back borrowed money from others and then allowing money to be borrowed through the app- being able to choose if you can trust someone based on their score or data provided. Although I learned a lot working on our project, it was just so amazing to see thousands of other students working alongside us and to see what brilliant ideas were formed and created in just 24 hours. I can’t wait for the next one!
- Within an Engineering course during my freshman year I worked with a team of three other students to design, create, and test a unique AEV device that could complete specified tasks in a time and energy efficient fashion. This semester long project taught me so much about a long commitment project and working in a team of people with different strengths and weaknesses. I learned and grew a tremendous amount at an integral time of my college career.