New funding for CATS

May 26, 2021 | covid-19, community engagement


Thanks to funding from The Ohio State University’s Outreach and Engagement grants, the Center for HOPES with be working with principal investigator Ayaz Hyder to conduct a community-directed evaluation of the COVID-19 Analytics and Targeted Surveillance System for Schools (CATS).

Center for HOPES Community Engagement Specialist Anne Trinh has been working with Dr. Hyder, who is also a Center Affiliate, and local health departments to support Central Ohio school districts’ use of CATS since July 2020 to monitor various indicators related to COVID-19. Program evaluators at the Center will use human-centered design principles in the evaluation process, prioritizing the needs of local educational decision-makers as end users of the report.

Read the announcement of all 2021 funded grant proposals.

Learn more about CATS.