Summer Update from RandiLand (in pictures)

Here’s a quick run down of what’s been going on in RandiLand this summer:


A bunch of students graduated in May!!!


…but not me – classes are still rolling on.



In the OCIO, we’re handing out helpful brochures at orientation


…and the employee spotlight articles are going strong!



I’m also gearing up for a camping trip this month…


…and trying to make more time for my pup and the pool!


Oh, and there’s a fantastic dance show in the rehearsal stage right now!


…but more on that later. 🙂


My classes will continue through July, as will orientation. This August, the OCIO will make an appearance at the annual involvement fair and hopefully be able to give out some cool prizes (mobile power banks, an iPad, who knows!).

Goals for the new fiscal year should be formulated by the end of the summer as well.

Oh, and of course football season is just around the corner!

Exciting stuff!

#DataPrivacy Month

From January 28 to February 28, the OCIO will be sharing data privacy tips on Twitter and Google+. I encourage you to join in on the conversation using the hashtag #DataPrivacy. You can share your tips and ask questions too!

So what are some recent trends in the data privacy realm that you should watch out for?

  • Tax Identity Theft – yes, scammers will file a tax return for you!…..and then reroute your return into their own bank accounts. Not cool. Read more here:
  • Social Media Security – for #badnerds willing to do a little research, social media sites are a data mine. Be aware of what you share, and check your privacy settings often. Anytime a site like Facebook updates, chances are you will be reset to the default “share all the things with all the creepy people” setting. More tips here:
  • Geo-location – did you know that a lot of apps ask for access to your location? They generally don’t need to know that you are at the corner of 5th and High to be able to run properly, but they might sell that type of information to advertisers. Oh, and hackers can see where you are too. It’s best to keep your location services turned off when not using them to locate the nearest donut shop. (By the way, I recommend this one.)

Those are all the tips I have for you for now! You’ll just have to follow TechOhioState to find out more through the month of February!

It’s Promo Video Time!

For those who aren’t aware, there is this amazing app, simply called “Ohio State” in the app store and the Google Play Store. Using the Ohio State app, you can look up your class schedule, receive your Carmen grades, track the money your mom, I mean, you, puts on your BuckID, email your advisor or look up professors’ contact information, locate a parking garage that is nearby AND not yet at capacity, take a survey to rate a professor, know when buses will be arriving to take you to your destination and sooooooo much more! I am finding that it is quite hard to list out all the capabilities without getting winded or sounding like a marketing message. 😉

In order to show how folks use the app, I’ve been interviewing students and faculty and will compile their statements into a promotional video. The following ladies have graciously agreed to participate:

Mobile Interviews

I still have a few more interviews…with the Dean of Undergraduate Education, one of the head developers of the mobile app AND…..wait for it!

…I’m also interviewing Ohio State strength coach, Anthony Schlegel!

Stay tuned for the final video, scheduled to release in January 2015!