
Back in November, I had the opportunity to attend TEDxColumbus to hear some amazing speakers.

I always enjoy listening to Joe DeLoss, and I loved having the opportunity to hear about Hot Chicken Takeover. The business model for Joe’s fried chicken empire is fantastically simple, and it works! Customers get great chicken and folks with rough pasts get a new start on life. Such a win-win!


I’ll admit, I didn’t know much about heroin addiction. I always hear people say things like “if they wanted to stop, they will, they are just lazy.” Although I never believed that, I couldn’t stop those thoughts from popping into my head. But thanks to Crystal Oertle, I have a much better understanding of the struggle addicts go through. The control of drugs or alcohol or whatever is so strong, I can’t even comprehend it, but I am much more astonished by people who beat the cycle of addiction. Crystal’s story is incredibly powerful, and I encourage you all to take the time to listen:


Let’s get together, yeah yeah yeah!


With the upcoming move to Mount Hall, OCIO and ODEE team members have been collaborating and sharing resources when possible, and it’s a beautiful thing!

I had the honor of working with the ODEE Media Services Team on a video to promote the Top Hat tool to professors. Top Hat is essentially the BYOD version of clickers. Students can download an app instead of spending (too much) money on a piece of plastic that is only good for one thing. Check out what the professors had to say about it!

The culture teams are also starting to collide! This week, we held the first combined Above and Beyond Awards reception with OCIO and ODEE nominees and winners. The BIG All Team meeting also showcased projects from OCIO and ODEE. While we are two separate organizations, we have so many overlapping services and we share the same core values. It’s been great to see both sides of the house working together on great things.

It’s Promo Video Time!

For those who aren’t aware, there is this amazing app, simply called “Ohio State” in the app store and the Google Play Store. Using the Ohio State app, you can look up your class schedule, receive your Carmen grades, track the money your mom, I mean, you, puts on your BuckID, email your advisor or look up professors’ contact information, locate a parking garage that is nearby AND not yet at capacity, take a survey to rate a professor, know when buses will be arriving to take you to your destination and sooooooo much more! I am finding that it is quite hard to list out all the capabilities without getting winded or sounding like a marketing message. 😉

In order to show how folks use the app, I’ve been interviewing students and faculty and will compile their statements into a promotional video. The following ladies have graciously agreed to participate:

Mobile Interviews

I still have a few more interviews…with the Dean of Undergraduate Education, one of the head developers of the mobile app AND…..wait for it!

…I’m also interviewing Ohio State strength coach, Anthony Schlegel!

Stay tuned for the final video, scheduled to release in January 2015!