Just Keep Moving

It’s been a busy few months, and the theme of my life has been MOVING!

Back in December, most of OCIO, ODEE and Enterprise Security moved into a brand new building on West Campus. We are adjusting to all being in the same building and trying to figure out what to do with all the open space.

So much room for activities!!

In my personal life, I’m also moving…to a new house! Crazy stuff…I will soon be one of those people who owns a lawn mower, hires a chimney sweep and spends her weekends remodeling bathrooms. Whatever it takes to make my dog happy, right? I mean, look at that yard!!!

I’m even just moving in general for another dance show! I’m only in 15 different musical numbers. NBD. That will be coming up March 31 and April 1, and a portion of the proceeds will benefit PetPromise! Super cool stuff!! You can get your tickets here: https://tiktz.com/thediner

Image result for goofy dance gif

Ipanema, Ideas and Innovations

Big news! #MBALife has wrapped up! I ended my 2+ year long adventure with a trip (for class) to Brazil. We visited São Paulo and Rio de Janiero, which of course included some delicious coconut water on the beaches of Ipanema!


And then in May I graduated with my masters. No big.


And now it’s back to #WorkLife in the OCIO (and sometimes ODEE!)

In the OCIO, we’re currently working on a neat project called ImproveIT. It lets any employee submit an idea for an improvement or a new service. The suggestions help us do our work more efficiently and/or improve the customer experience. So many win-wins! And it keeps employees engaged, letting them know they really CAN make things better for everyone just by speaking up. I’m pretty excited to be a part of this effort.

In the ODEE side of the house, it’s all about Canvas! We’re shaking up how we run our LMS (learning management system, for long), and we’re using a new, innovative platform that is preferred by students and instructors alike. Canvas is user-friendly, has an app, creates a calendar that syncs all your assignments, has an app, gives faculty more freedom to be creative with their teaching, oh, and did I mention it has an app? You can also create a panda avatar to upload as your profile picture, because, why not?

To learn even more about Canvas, I’m heading on a trip with my ODEE compadres. Stay tuned for #pandamonium from Camp Canvas in July! It’s gonna be #Kumbayaweome!


This post is all about puppies.

On Instagram, I noticed our top photo based on likes involved a puppy who happened to stroll into BuckeyeBar. So I thought, why not use adorable puppies to promote our other awesome services, like BuckeyeBox? And thus started a series of photos involving Lemmy and Rey, two adorable foster puppies (now adopted!) playing in our physical BuckeyeBox box!

Group projects are much easier when you collaborate in the cloud! #BuckeyeBox #Teamwork #dogsofinstagram

A photo posted by Office of the CIO (@techohiostate) on

#MBALife is full of puppies too. Now that I am done with class (let me repeat that, I am DONE WITH CLASS!!!), my own pup at home has been enjoying my company and (mostly) undivided attention. There are belly rubs and naps on the couch and patio outings! There’s even more time to play with his #bff Gus who lives one building over.

Here is post-MBA Rax, guiding my hand towards his belly for pets:

Rax paw-edit

Stay tuned for more adventures in RandiLand, including my excursion to Brazil, orientation preparation, the ImproveIT program, culture team endeavors…and who knows what else #WorkLife will have in store for me as 2016 progresses!