
This post is all about puppies.

On Instagram, I noticed our top photo based on likes involved a puppy who happened to stroll into BuckeyeBar. So I thought, why not use adorable puppies to promote our other awesome services, like BuckeyeBox? And thus started a series of photos involving Lemmy and Rey, two adorable foster puppies (now adopted!) playing in our physical BuckeyeBox box!

Group projects are much easier when you collaborate in the cloud! #BuckeyeBox #Teamwork #dogsofinstagram

A photo posted by Office of the CIO (@techohiostate) on

#MBALife is full of puppies too. Now that I am done with class (let me repeat that, I am DONE WITH CLASS!!!), my own pup at home has been enjoying my company and (mostly) undivided attention. There are belly rubs and naps on the couch and patio outings! There’s even more time to play with his #bff Gus who lives one building over.

Here is post-MBA Rax, guiding my hand towards his belly for pets:

Rax paw-edit

Stay tuned for more adventures in RandiLand, including my excursion to Brazil, orientation preparation, the ImproveIT program, culture team endeavors…and who knows what else #WorkLife will have in store for me as 2016 progresses!



These boots were made for walkin’!

Just a quick recap of my August show: everything went well! The audience loved it and no one was seriously injured! Always a win.

It’s officially fall which means it’s officially boot season which means my dance show photo is a great segue into what’s going on in the OCIO this fall semester…

  • We offered Student Advantage (aka free Microsoft) to all students. Yay!
  • BuckeyeBox now has unlimited storage and a larger max file size. Yay!
  • We’re asking students how we can improve wireless using an Instagram contest. Neato!
  • ODEE is working on a video to show how easy Top Hat is (the tool that lets students use their smartphones to answer poll questions in class, record attendance, etc). Super cool!
  • We just had our combined Staff Appreciation “picnic” today. A Rock, Paper, Scissors champ received a trophy. Huh? Yep.

As for the part of me wearing the MBA hat, this semester is allllllll math. You down with NPV? Yeah, you know me!

That’s all for now! Time to root through my closet in search of more boots!

#DataPrivacy Month

From January 28 to February 28, the OCIO will be sharing data privacy tips on Twitter and Google+. I encourage you to join in on the conversation using the hashtag #DataPrivacy. You can share your tips and ask questions too!

So what are some recent trends in the data privacy realm that you should watch out for?

  • Tax Identity Theft – yes, scammers will file a tax return for you!…..and then reroute your return into their own bank accounts. Not cool. Read more here: https://ocio.osu.edu/blog/community/2015/01/26/10-tips-to-protect-yourself-during-tax-season
  • Social Media Security – for #badnerds willing to do a little research, social media sites are a data mine. Be aware of what you share, and check your privacy settings often. Anytime a site like Facebook updates, chances are you will be reset to the default “share all the things with all the creepy people” setting. More tips here: http://go.osu.edu/securesm
  • Geo-location – did you know that a lot of apps ask for access to your location? They generally don’t need to know that you are at the corner of 5th and High to be able to run properly, but they might sell that type of information to advertisers. Oh, and hackers can see where you are too. It’s best to keep your location services turned off when not using them to locate the nearest donut shop. (By the way, I recommend this one.)

Those are all the tips I have for you for now! You’ll just have to follow TechOhioState to find out more through the month of February!