#WorkLife Projects Galore!

It’s been a busy few weeks in the Office of the Chief Information Officer! So many projects have been completed or are in progress, just in time for #new2osu students showing up this weekend!

  • Self Service Home Page NEWIn case you haven’t been blinded by the shiny new Service Catalog yet, be sure to check it out! The Self Service site and catalog of OCIO services has been totally revamped to better fit with OSU branding standards, and in the process, we’ve made it much more user-friendly…and frankly, prettier!
  • Ohio State AppThe official Ohio State app has been improving as well! The (formerly OSU Mobile) app has tons of new features, including Carmen grades, Student Evaluations of Instruction (SEIs), parking garage capacity information, advising notes and *gasp* your statement of account (AKA how much money you owe the university). You can even search the entire course catalog on the go! (We know you love looking for sweet classes!) As always, the app is free–download it from your app store today!
  • Bob Gribben Password Tips Video ScreenshotNext week, we’re also announcing a change to the password policy…drum roll please…you will be required to change your password every 180 days instead of every 90! Students will hopefully rejoice knowing they can keep their passwords twice as long. In case they don’t, Bob Gribben will be serving up some useful tips for creating unique passwords!

That’s everything for now! Stay tuned as the autumn semester gets rolling…

Snow Day!

With no classes on Tuesday, I decided to work from home, and it was quite the eventful day!

  • I stalked some students on Twitter for the next Bob Gribben video. If you haven’t seen the first two, be sure to check out the TechOhioState YouTube channel! 🙂
  • I worked on a blog post about phishing and the dangers of short links. I dare you to click on this “GO” link.
  • I updated my Vendor IT Expo site to include suppliers that have recently confirmed their participation. It’s another U Blog site, so feel free to check it out! https://u.osu.edu/VendorITExpo
  • I proofread emails, reviewed résumés for a student position we have open, tracked some website stats and studied for a Marketing midterm late into the evening.

I got a lot done, and I got to wear my comfy sweatpants all day!

Now I just need spring to show up so I can enjoy the beautiful campus!!