

These boots were made for walkin’!

Just a quick recap of my August show: everything went well! The audience loved it and no one was seriously injured! Always a win.

It’s officially fall which means it’s officially boot season which means my dance show photo is a great segue into what’s going on in the OCIO this fall semester…

  • We offered Student Advantage (aka free Microsoft) to all students. Yay!
  • BuckeyeBox now has unlimited storage and a larger max file size. Yay!
  • We’re asking students how we can improve wireless using an Instagram contest. Neato!
  • ODEE is working on a video to show how easy Top Hat is (the tool that lets students use their smartphones to answer poll questions in class, record attendance, etc). Super cool!
  • We just had our combined Staff Appreciation “picnic” today. A Rock, Paper, Scissors champ received a trophy. Huh? Yep.

As for the part of me wearing the MBA hat, this semester is allllllll math. You down with NPV? Yeah, you know me!

That’s all for now! Time to root through my closet in search of more boots!

Summer Update from RandiLand (in pictures)

Here’s a quick run down of what’s been going on in RandiLand this summer:


A bunch of students graduated in May!!!


…but not me – classes are still rolling on.



In the OCIO, we’re handing out helpful brochures at orientation


…and the employee spotlight articles are going strong!



I’m also gearing up for a camping trip this month…


…and trying to make more time for my pup and the pool!


Oh, and there’s a fantastic dance show in the rehearsal stage right now!


…but more on that later. 🙂


My classes will continue through July, as will orientation. This August, the OCIO will make an appearance at the annual involvement fair and hopefully be able to give out some cool prizes (mobile power banks, an iPad, who knows!).

Goals for the new fiscal year should be formulated by the end of the summer as well.

Oh, and of course football season is just around the corner!

Exciting stuff!

Unbirthday Campaign – No gifts, just loans that change lives

My birthday is coming up this month, and I really don’t want anything. I want other people around the world to have what they need.

I set up a campaign on Kiva so I could dedicate my birthday to raising funds for loaning around the globe! For those of you who are new to Kiva, it’s a microfinance organization. You lend $25 to someone in Zimbabwe who needs new farming equipment, for example. Every month, that person pays back part of the loan. 98% of the time, you get paid back in FULL! How fantastic is that? The only loss to you is the .004 cents or whatever interest you could be getting in a savings account.

I should also mention it’s totally fun to read the stories and find cool people to lend money to! So far, no one has even been behind on their loans from me. It’s a beautiful thing!

Join my campaign here:

Learn more about Kiva here: