We kick started the day bright and early with a beautiful sunrise.
The nursing students joined our team today at the second Health Department. Jen, Chiseko & I did women’s health clinic while our other team members, Khadra, Iza, Teri & Julia ran our primary care clinics. Our wonderful faculty facilitated our day and the pharmacists had their hands busy filling the prescriptions of approximately 100 patients. We were blessed to be in a wonderful facility headed by the newly contracted MD, Dr. Lorena. I would like to give a special shout out to Jen for her exceptional teaching skills as she acted as a preceptor guiding both Chiseko & me in gynecologic and obsteric care.
After one busy morning, we headed to Teletón, a rehabilitation facility that sees patients of all ages established by the Cubans. And, what a beautiful place this was!
Last but not least, our host, Angie, took us to downtown Choluteca to purchase colorful Honduran baskets.
The day was filled with joyous laughter and open hearts. The Hondurans and their country have captured my heart and I could not feel more grateful for this experience.