Day 3 Nursing High School and Hospital Visit


(First group pic, meeting at the hotel pool before starting the day)

Thankful to have another beautiful, warm (100 degree) day in Choluteca, Honduras. We walked over to the Overholt’s, ate breakfast together, and prepared for the nursing high school students to arrive.

New stethoscopes, including a teaching stethoscope, were presented to the nursing school by Jeff, the team’s pharmacist.

The first class of the morning was on preconception and prenatal care, and was taught by Jen and Khadra, who are midwifery/Women’s health nurse practitioner students.



The next class was taught by Lauren and was on injection administration, and the students practiced injections. The third class was on suturing and was taught by Julia and the demonstration teaching was given by Ed. The students also were able to practice simple suture techniques with practice models.





After classes and lunch we prepared to visit the Hospital General del Sur to deliver supplies and view the wards.


(Katherine and the team with our caravan of suitcases filled with donated supplies).

We visited the NICU, pediatric ward, labor and delivery, and the men’s surgery/recovery ward and gave hygiene kits for the nurses and stethoscopes.





Provided medical care supplies and sheets for the patient beds. We handed out toys and coloring books to the pediatric patients.

(Terri getting some toys ready to handout to the kids)

The labor and delivery ward requested a fetal heart rate Doppler machine and which was delivered today.


(Jen, Chiseko, Lucia, Terri, Julia, Khadra, Angie: presenting the Doppler and other supplies to nurses in the Labor an Delivery ward)

The hospital was an eye opener for how difficult it can be to provide care for patients with extremely limited resources as a hospital.

The team stopped at the mall and grocery store for a bit on the way back to get some coffee and food/snacks.



(Tried  Chile and fruit popsicles)

We ended the day with dinner at the Overholts and are looking forward to tomorrow.