Our day started early, meeting at 0615 and walking from the hotel to the Overholt’s for breakfast. After a quick breakfast medical supplies were loaded into suitcases. Tables and screens were packed up and we were off to Siete de Mayo for our first clinic. We set up the clinics in school rooms. Khadra and Jen led by Lucia worked hard to get screens and curtains up in the women’s clinic. Teri, Chiseko, Kathryn, Julia, and Iza set up the primary care clinic. Lauren and Jeff ended our patients visits dispensing everything with a smile and sometimes a piece of candy. Angie, Ed, Jan, Patty, and our interpreter were always there for guidance, support, and to bridge our communication gap. Our patients ranged from 6 months to 78 years. To say it was one of the most amazing days of my life doesn’t come close do doing the day justice. The people we saw were in line for hours and every single one of them had a smile on their face and a “gracious” on their lips at the end of their visit.