Effective Note Taking – Module 5

Note taking is a skill that I think most students can improve on, including myself. Sometimes we think that just listening class is beneficial enough to succeed. However, note taking forces you to pay attention and listen carefully to what the professor’s lecture is about. You learn to pick out the main points, that way when it is time to take a test or exam, you don’t do a lot of unnecessary studying.

On slide 9 of the lecture, it talks about technology for effective note taking. I use an app called Notability which is similar to OneNote. It helps me organize my notes for different classes, store back ups and share notes to friends as well. Having some form of technology also where I can keep slides or presentation because I can keep everything in one place.

Something interesting from the workshop mentioned learning to read the professor’s body language. This could be extremely vital when taking notes because it is impossible to write down everything the professor says. This could assist you in picking out the important points of a lecture and do less writing as well.

In conclusion, many students, including myself at times, do not realize how beneficial taking good notes could be. If you just listen to lectures in class, there is a high probability that you may forget certain parts very quickly. Sometimes I am surprised when I look back on the notes because certain stuff weren’t in the slides and I would not have remembered. Good notes definitely can help individuals to become good students and just more productive individuals overall.

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