I’ve been sitting here trying to think of something interesting or off the wall that I’ve learned over the last month and I’m really struggling to come up with something. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve learned so much… but I can’t find something that sticks out to me. I know that I’ve learned an all knew French vocabulary, the things adored and detested about impressionism, and how our minds and bodie develop through our life, but I truly can’t think of something that really just strikes me as fascinating. If I had to pick something, I suppose I could say the most interesting thing I learned was that our minds never stop developing. Our minds are literally changing constantly until the day that we die.

While learning anything and everything in my general education I’ve also been learning multitudes about myself. I’m learning how much I need to work on managing stress. I’m learning more about how I can be more independent and how I have to stay on top of my schedule. The biggest thing that I learned about myself is that if I let someone else be a small piece of my motivation, I really can make new healthy habits! I could also count this breakthrough as something that I struggled with. Everyone knows about the “freshman 15” and I know that I’m terrible at making good food choices, so my only other option is to make healthier habits…like running! However, I’m awful at making habits, so, I let someone else hold me accountable. Through this struggle I achieved a higher thinking of myself. I feel proud of myself for being able to do something for me. On a lesser note, I’m proud that I’m dropping my terrbily slow 2 mile time down closer to my 2 mile time in my cross country days!

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