PerformancerUS, presenta: Interpretándonos a nosotras/os, interpretando nuestras historias

PerformancerUS, presentará Performing Ourselves, Performing our Histories (Interpretándonos a nosotras/os, interpretando nuestras historias), una serie de poemas, monólogos y diálogos inspirados por el archivo de narrativas orales de latinas/os en Ohio (ONLO) y cada una de las historias personales y colectivas de los miembros del grupo. El performance entabla un diálogo con el archivo y muestra un sentido de colectividad con las historias de otros latinas/os, al crear un performance que se centra en la experiencia de ganar, perder, aceptar y pertenecer en relación con nuestra identidad, lengua, cultura y/o estatus migratorio. El proyecto incorpora la forma cultural de entender y hacer como parte integral de contar historias y de empoderamiento.
El taller, después del performance, ofrecerá un modelo culturalmente relevante a estudiantes Latinas/os que acentúa nuestro sentido de pertenencia, experiencias biculturales y bilingües, e identidad racial o étnica, y al mismo tiempo abrir oportunidades de expresión propia. El taller usa las historias orales como una herramienta para crear espacios de confianza y transmisión colectiva de conocimiento. Hablaremos de cómo crear una producción informada por la etnografía y ofrecer un modelo que resalta la colaboración de la comunidad como una fuente de orgullo. El taller es interactivo y pedirá que la audiencia reflexione sobre las formas productivas de entablar conversaciones sobre lengua, cultural y pertenencia.
Para asistir al evento, inscríbete aquí.
Evento patrocinado porThe Dominican Sisters of Peace and Proyecto Mariposas.

PerformancerUS: “Performing Ourselves, Performing our Histories”

PerformancerUS will be presenting: Performing Ourselves, Performing our Histories, a series of poems, monologues, and dialogues inspired by the Oral Narratives of Latin@ in Ohio (ONLO) archive, and each of the ensemble members personal and collective stories. This performance piece engages with the archive and finds common ground on the stories/histories of other Latina/o/x by creatively devising a piece that is centered on our collective experience with loss, gain, acceptance, and belonging as it relates to identity, language, culture and/or immigration status. This project incorporates participants cultural ways of knowing and doing, as integral to storytelling and empowerment.
This workshop, after the performance, will provide a culturally engaging model for Latina/o/x students that enhances our sense of belonging, bicultural and bilingual experiences, and racial or ethnic identity, while also providing opportunities for self-expression. The workshop uses oral history as a tool for creating spaces of trust and communal sharing of knowledge. We will discuss steps on how to devise an ethnographically-informed performance and offer a model for using oral histories as knowledge production that highlights community collaboration as a source of pride and honor. The workshop is highly interactive and will ask the audience to reflect on best practices for engaging in fruitful conversations about language, culture, and belonging.
This event is sponsored by The Dominican Sisters of Peace and Proyecto Mariposas.
Event site:

LatinUS Theater, Cleveland Ohio

Take a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, and you’ll find LatinUS Theater, Ohio’s first independent Latino theater. According to the theater’s own mission statement, LatinUS Theater seeks to “create and produce passionate, professional and world class theater in an artistic environment to develop artists from our Latino/Hispanic community in Ohio”. Their philosophy, translated into practice, means performing Spanish-language theater for audiences in Northeastern Ohio, such as works by dramaturg Ariel Dorfman. Read more about the theater’s upcoming performances here.

Radical Latinx Groups: United in a mission to build community spaces

Throughout the U.S., Latinx groups are playing a fundamental role in women’s empowerment in many ways: through health initiatives for indigenous women, rock camps where young girls can learn to play instruments, and programs to encourage artistic and literary production among Latinx women and girls, to name a few. Teen Vogue has compiled a list of 12 of these radical Latinx organizations. Their projects and purposes vary, but they all share a common mission: “to improve, nurture, and support the lives of Latinx women and women of color, trans women, non-binary people, and LGBTQ+ communites around the country.”

#PoderQuince: Quinceañeras who rock the vote

How did you celebrate your 15th birthday? With a voter-registration booth at your party? A new generation of quinceañeras are working to increase voter registration for Latinx voters in Texas. By partnering with Jolt, an organization that seeks to promote political engagement among Latinos in the US. One of their initiatives, Poder Quince/Quince Power, involves working with quinceañeras to register and inform potential voters. Participating quinceañeras receive a free photobooth for their party and a “PoderQuince” Spanchat filter, in exchange for bringingJolt staff into their fiestas to answer questions and register voters. Read more about these smart young women who are doing their part to increase voter turnout in our elections.

Latinx Millennials & American Identity

Hispanic Heritage Month is coming to a close, but there is certainly no end to the interesting and important research in the field of Latinx Studies. Take, for example, the work of Dr. Nilda Flores-González, professor of sociology at Arizona State University. Her most recent work focuses on Latinx millennials who have grown up speaking English and surrounded by American culture, yet still find their American identity questioned on a regular basis. Read more about her fascinating research here!