Estimates for Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Payments for Program Year 2017

By: Ben Brown, Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics- The Ohio State University, Previously on the Ohio Ag Manager.

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The Agricultural Adjustment Act of 2014 ushered in two programs to the safety net for producers in Ohio and across the country: Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC0-CO) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC). Both programs serve as shallow loss programs protecting against large variations in revenue and price respectively. The two programs operate differently and should not be compared as substitute programs. However, producers were allowed a one time choice at the beginning of the farm bill to enroll each commodity in either ARC-CO or PLC. Participation rates in Ohio largely followed the national participation rates for corn and soybeans but differed for wheat. The national participation rate for wheat favored PLC, whereas in Ohio, producers favored heavily toward ARC-CO. Nonetheless there are producers in Ohio that are enrolled in ARC-CO and PLC for corn, soybeans, and wheat. This report looks toward the end of the marketing year to estimate county level payments for ARC-CO and PLC in Ohio. As a reminder, payments finalized in October 2018 will be for program year 2017. This information will be important for producers and lenders wishing to estimate their autumn cash flow. Continue reading Estimates for Agricultural Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Payments for Program Year 2017

5 Factors Influencing Grain Markets

By: Sara Schafer, Farm Journal’s Pork

This year’s season-average price for corn is forecast at $3.40, which is up 3% from 2017. The season-average price for soybeans in 2018 is forecast at $9.25, a 0.5% drop from 2017, per USDA’s forecast at its 2018 Agricultural Outlook Forum. ( USDA Photo by Preston Keres )

Trade will remain a critical factor, as the decline in U.S. trade share of the last several years is expected to slow, says Robert Johansson, USDA Chief Economist. © USDA

The official start of spring is just a few weeks away. As the planters start rolling and acres are claimed by crops, how will grain prices respond? Continue reading 5 Factors Influencing Grain Markets