Late Planting Corn Considerations

By: Harold Watters, Ohio State University Extension

With some “late” planting some folks are concerned already about whether or not we might be caught by a fall frost before maturity without a change in maturity selection. Not to worry. The corn plant has the ability to adapt to the later planting by advancing more rapidly through the growth stages. Continue reading Late Planting Corn Considerations

Hybrid Switching Decisions

By: Dave Huff, NuTech Seed Agronomist, Eastern Product Specialist
Previously on Ohio Ag Net

With a late start for some and corn fields not yet planted throughout the region, growers are asking, “Do I need to be switching to earlier maturing corn varieties?” and “Should I replant problem fields?”

It seems like each year I need to address these questions. We learned in the past that corn requires fewer Growing Degree Units (GDUs) to mature when planted after May 1 than listed in product brochures. From my own research trials and University trial data, we can expect corn planted in our region to require on average around 6.8 fewer GDUs to mature for every day of delay beyond May 1. Another way to interpret this is that it would require approximately 200 fewer GDUs from May 1 planting versus June 1 planting to reach black layer. Continue reading Hybrid Switching Decisions

I-80 Planting Tour: Ohio (Henry County)

By: Betsy Jibben, AgDay Reporter

Cold temperatures and snow are keeping farmers out of the field in northwest Ohio. Some farmers have reported both rain and snow over the weekend.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its weekly crop progress report showing no corn is planted in the state, which is a common threat across Interstate 80.

AgDay national reporter Betsy Jibben talks with Eric Klein, a farmer from Malinta, Ohio; Nate Like, a farmer from Hamler, Ohio; and Rex Williamson, an agent with Williamson Insurance Agency in Payne, Ohio.

Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

By: Steve Culman and Peter Thomison, Ohio State University Extension

As prospects for a timely start to spring planting diminish, growers need to reassess their planting strategies and consider adjustments. Since delayed planting reduces the yield potential of corn, the foremost attention should be given to management practices that will expedite crop establishment. The following are some suggestions and guidelines to consider in dealing with a late planting season. Continue reading Adjusting Corn Management Practices for a Late Start

Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits

By: Peter ThomisonSteve Culman, OSU Extension State Specialists

In the quest for high corn yields, considerable attention has been given to increasing various inputs, including seeding rates and fertilizers, narrowing row spacing, and making preventative applications of foliar fungicides, growth regulators and biological stimulants. However, the significant drop in crop net returns that’s occurred in recent years warrants developing strategies to lower input costs. An input that might have paid for itself with $5.50/bu corn may not at $3.75/bu corn. A practical and economic approach to achieving high yields is to follow proven cultural practices that enhance corn performance. Continue reading Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits

Understanding Corn Protein Variability Is Important For Feed Rations

By: Matt Reese, Ohio Ag Net

Agriculture in general is highly variable due to the fact that living plants and animals are a part of production systems. As such, all parts of the production chain must adjust to the variability accordingly.

With reports of potentially wider than normal variations in corn protein levels in recent years, adjustments may need to be made to livestock feed. Continue reading Understanding Corn Protein Variability Is Important For Feed Rations

Crop Production Cost Analysis

By: Dianne Shoemaker and Haley Shoemaker, Ohio State University Extension

Which number is closest to your total direct and overhead cost of production per bushel of corn: $3.08, $4.17, or $6.21? Do you know? Forty-two farms completed their 2016 farm business and crop enterprise analysis in 2017. Farm size ranged from 40 to more than 1,900 acres.The four lowest cost producers averaged $3.08 per bushel, the median COP was $4.17, and the four highest cost producers averaged $6.21 per bushel. Continue reading Crop Production Cost Analysis

“Plant As Much Corn As You Want, Don’t Expect to Make Money”

By: Ashley Davenport, Farm Journal Broadcast Multimedia Editor

In 1983 for the first time, planted soybean acres surpassed corn acres by 3.5 million acres. Some market analysts thought 2017 would be another year this would happen, but it didn’t.

There have been some rumblings that because of current corn prices, 2018 could be the year where King Corn has its crown knocked off and replaced with another crop: soybeans.

Continue reading “Plant As Much Corn As You Want, Don’t Expect to Make Money”

Ohio Annual Crop Summary for 2017

From Ohio Ag Net/Ohio’s Country Journal

Crop conditions varied widely across the state, due to delays in planting, replanting, and emergence issues throughout the 2017 season, according to Cheryl Turner, Ohio State Statistician for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Heavy rains along with cold temperatures at the beginning of the season hindered the drying of fields and caused the need for significant replanting. Dryer conditions in June brought opportunities to dry out fields to resume planting and other field activities. The dry weather continued allowing growers to catch up on replanting, apply fertilizer and cut hay. Excessive moisture throughout July created concerns in crop progress. August brought cooler drier conditions which helped stabilize crops.

Ohio’s 2017 average corn yield was 177 bushels per acre, a new State record, up 18 bushels from last year. Producers harvested 3.13 million acres, compared to 3.30 million acres in 2016. Total State production of corn for grain was 554 million bushels, up 6 percent from the 2016 production of 525 million bushels. Acreage harvested for silage was 220,000 acres, an increase of 10,000 acres from 2016. The average silage yield increased by 4.5 tons from 2016 to 20 tons per acre. The Ohio corn harvest progressed slightly behind 2016 throughout the fall and was near completion by the end of November. Continue reading Ohio Annual Crop Summary for 2017

USGC Rolls Out 2017/2018 Corn Harvest Quality Report

By AgWeb Guest Editor

An excellent growing season resulted in record yields and good quality for the 2017 corn crop, according to the U.S. Grain Council’s (USGC’s) latest corn quality report, released recently.

The 2017/2018 Corn Harvest Quality Report is the seventh in the Council’s annual corn quality survey. The report revealed that the majority of 2017 corn crop conditions were rated as good or excellent during the growing season, leading to strong plant health, good kernel size and a projected record yield of 370.3 million metric tons (14.58 billion bushels), the second-largest crop on record. Continue reading USGC Rolls Out 2017/2018 Corn Harvest Quality Report