By: Dave Huff, NuTech Seed Agronomist, Eastern Product Specialist
Previously on Ohio Ag Net
With a late start for some and corn fields not yet planted throughout the region, growers are asking, “Do I need to be switching to earlier maturing corn varieties?” and “Should I replant problem fields?”
It seems like each year I need to address these questions. We learned in the past that corn requires fewer Growing Degree Units (GDUs) to mature when planted after May 1 than listed in product brochures. From my own research trials and University trial data, we can expect corn planted in our region to require on average around 6.8 fewer GDUs to mature for every day of delay beyond May 1. Another way to interpret this is that it would require approximately 200 fewer GDUs from May 1 planting versus June 1 planting to reach black layer. Continue reading Hybrid Switching Decisions →