Legislators Propose “Clean Lake 2020 Plan” Funding to Reduce Lake Erie Phosphorus

By: Peggy Hall, Asst. Professor, Agricultural & Resource Law, Ohio State University

A pair of companion bi-partisan bills just introduced in the Ohio Senate and Ohio House of Representatives would provide significant funding to help meet Ohio’s goal of reducing phosphorus loading by 20% in Lake Erie by 2020. Continue reading Legislators Propose “Clean Lake 2020 Plan” Funding to Reduce Lake Erie Phosphorus

Inoculant Mixing & Application Critical Steps in Silage-Making Process

By: Farm Journal Content Services, Previously posted on Drovers Online

It’s a three-step process with silage inoculants. First, decide where you need the help – up-front fermentation, improved aerobic stability at feed-out or both. Next, pick a research-proven and tested product. Lastly, be sure to manage the application. Professor and head of the Silage Fermentation Laboratory at Delaware University Dr. Limin Kung Jr. explains that details matter when it comes to choosing your inoculant, and especially in preparation and application. Continue reading Inoculant Mixing & Application Critical Steps in Silage-Making Process

From Across the Field – In Bloom

Things have really begun to green up over the past couple of weeks and are now in full bloom. With some heat units and dry weather in the forecast it doesn’t look like planting will take long after a delayed start once again.

Many of our landscape and garden plants either have or are beginning to flower. From an aesthetic point of view, I really do enjoy blossoming fruit trees and shrubs. This has always been a “catch 22” as while I appreciate a variety of plants in a landscape, this represents a challenging time for myself and many others as with flowers come pollen and with pollen comes allergy season. I guess it’s time to break out the eye drops and nasal spray. Continue reading From Across the Field – In Bloom

Understand Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios before Buying Cover Crop Seed

By: Sonja Begemann, Farm Journal Seeds and Crop Production Editor
Previously published on AgWeb Daily

By now you’ve heard of the “carbon penalty” some producers face with residue and cover crops—but what does that really mean? And should it deter you from planting cover crops?

Experts say it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use cover crops—just know what you’re planting and its effect on soil. Nitrogen release—or tie up—is affected by many factors, according to Julia Gaskin, sustainable agriculture coordinator for the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Georgia. Continue reading Understand Carbon to Nitrogen Ratios before Buying Cover Crop Seed

Making Sense of Sheep

By Garth Ruff, OSU Extension Educator Henry County
For OSU Sheep Team

Last summer when my younger brother moved out of our parents’ house and on to a 25-acre farm just six miles down the road, we decided to get into the sheep business together. Growing up we had experience with beef cattle and hogs and quite honestly sheep were an afterthought until the purchase of this small farm. The previous owners had had a couple of horses and had row cropped the majority of the farm. After some research and number crunching, here are 6 things that we considered as first time shepherds. Continue reading Making Sense of Sheep

Farm Bill Expected to Meet Resistance

From Ohio Ag Net

The first comprehensive proposal for a new federal farm bill calls for changes to payments to farmers when commodity prices dip or when they adopt environmentally friendly measures on their farms.

The proposed legislation, which was drafted and endorsed in a partisan vote by the House of Representatives’ Agriculture Committee, also calls for controversial changes to the work requirements for those receiving food stamps.

The federal farm bill pays for a range of programs associated with food, agriculture and rural America, including crop subsidies and insurance for farmers along with federal food programs for the poor. The current farm bill is scheduled to expire Oct. 1. Continue reading Farm Bill Expected to Meet Resistance

Assessing Winter Injury in Alfalfa

By: Karla Hernandez, South Dakota State University Extension
Previously on Drovers Online

As we move forward to a late spring, temperatures are warming up and alfalfa producers are having questions on how to access their alfalfa fields for winter injury. It is important to remember that an alfalfa stand evaluation and winter injury assessment needs to be done by performing two main things: (1) stand counts; and (2) check the root system. Continue reading Assessing Winter Injury in Alfalfa

Hybrid Switching Decisions

By: Dave Huff, NuTech Seed Agronomist, Eastern Product Specialist
Previously on Ohio Ag Net

With a late start for some and corn fields not yet planted throughout the region, growers are asking, “Do I need to be switching to earlier maturing corn varieties?” and “Should I replant problem fields?”

It seems like each year I need to address these questions. We learned in the past that corn requires fewer Growing Degree Units (GDUs) to mature when planted after May 1 than listed in product brochures. From my own research trials and University trial data, we can expect corn planted in our region to require on average around 6.8 fewer GDUs to mature for every day of delay beyond May 1. Another way to interpret this is that it would require approximately 200 fewer GDUs from May 1 planting versus June 1 planting to reach black layer. Continue reading Hybrid Switching Decisions

From Across the Field – #Plant18 is Underway

Tillage, spraying, top dressing, tiling, and planting were all underway in the last week here in Henry County. Last Thursday I had the chance to watch a custom manure applicator top dress wheat with swine manure. With the ability to pump nutrients a couple of miles from the barn there are many opportunities to utilize those nutrients across a large area.

The week’s crop report had the corn crop across the country at 17 percent planted and just three percent of the crop emerged. In Ohio, only one percent of the crop was planted at the beginning of the week. It is always interesting to see how fast that number increases once we have a week or two of acceptable conditions. Continue reading From Across the Field – #Plant18 is Underway

8 Tips To Extend Your Phone Battery During Long Days In The Field

By: Margy Eckelkamp
Previously on Farm Journal’s Ag Tech

It’s a mix of urban legend and science—how to maximize the battery life of your smart phone. iPhone, Android or other, all phones have their limits, and long-days in the field put the devices to their test—particularly when you forget the charging cord.

Here’s a curated list of some ideas to help give you that extra five minutes for a phone call.

1. Research in how your phone uses its battery Continue reading 8 Tips To Extend Your Phone Battery During Long Days In The Field