Ohio’s shepherds now have a place to find all the latest information on sheep production, industry research conducted at Ohio State, and daily management tips. The recently rebuilt The Ohio State University Extension Sheep Team blog page can be found at http://u.osu.edu/sheep/.
The site is managed by the Sheep Team Program Coordinator, Brady Campbell, and includes contributions from the more than 25 Ohio State faculty and staff who each have unique interests in sustaining Ohio’s sheep industry. Once at the site readers will find current management information, a listing of upcoming events, research summaries, a library of resources, and a listing of the Sheep Team members and their contact information.
The site also features a search engine that allows readers to find previously posted articles relating to their specific concerns. Articles are archived by both management category and publication date. Sheep producers will also find timely information from the blog posted to the Sheep Team’s Facebook page at @OSUSheepTeam.
Readers who wish to receive a weekly email announcement listing recently posted articles may subscribe themselves to the blog when they visit the site, or be subscribed by sending their email address to Brady Campbell at campbell.1279@osu.edu.